
The Art of Hearing God

The Kings Fellowship is hosting a course on "The art of hearing God" which is described as being a "biblically based, in-depth course which aims to help people hear from God and to develop greater intimacy with Him."

Art of hearing GodDr Mark Stibbe of Father Heart Ministries and author of the book "Prophetic Evangelism" has this to say concerning the course:

"Streams provides the best training available in the ministry of prophecy. They have a very healthy emphasis on both character and charisma, theory and practice, prophecy in the house and prophecy out of the house (i.e. in evangelism). This material has arisen from the work of one of the most authentic and experienced practitioners in the world today. I highly recommend this course."

Mark Hadfield of Inveress Community Church and Street Pastors has written saying:

"I'm familiar with the course content myself. I've spent many years helping people to understand hearing God, something which I believe is the birthright of everyone in Christ. I've found that an appalling lack of solid Biblical teaching on the subject, coupled with, let's be honest here, 'flaky' practice, has quite understandably put many people off or made them wary. So I was delighted when I sampled the course last year, to find one course that lays all the Biblical foundations necessary to have confidence in hearing God clearly, including a strong emphasis on discipleship and character.

The course is not just for those who consider themselves confident or gifted in this area. Neither is the course 'unreal' considering hearing God's voice. It is Biblical. For example, have you ever wanted to understand those times when "heaven seems silent" or to understand what is happening during 'the dark night of the soul'?

I can't recommend this course enough. I thoroughly recommend this foundation course to ANYONE who wants to grow in confidence in hearing God, maybe for the first time, as well as anyone who already considers themselves gifted in this area and has the humility to make sure good foundations are in place (or who wants to progress to courses of a more advanced nature for which this course is a prerequisite)."

The following is copy of the flier which can be downloaded in various formats.

Art of hearing God

The Art of Hearing God course runs in the Kings Fellowship from Thursday, 10 September - Saturday, 12 September 2009.

Further info:
Heather: Tel. 01383 723329

Kings Fellowship, 29/08/2009

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Tom Morrow (Guest) 01/09/2009 19:13
Amen Mark!!! Couldn't have said it any better.
Eddie Hallahan 01/09/2009 19:50
well said mark
John Parker (Guest) 01/09/2009 20:27
Although I said (earlier) that compared with secular courses the charge was very reasonable, we do need to remember that in the commercial world companies pay the training costs for their employees. It is not so in the Christian world (unless perhaps you are pastor/minister/leader - and even then one feels guilty about getting a church to stump up). And for the average believer (who is already giving of their time/talents/treasures to the church) to be expected to shell out more for "training" is a bit hard.

In truth discipleship should be done within each fellowship by each fellowship - it's an old-fashioned concept called 'discipling'. The more mature mentor and train the younger. The whole scenario of "Christian courses' is a modern trend drawn from the secular world. Let's get back to discipling as Jesus, Paul, et al did it. And I don't think that the question of money would arise.
Annette Maclean 01/09/2009 20:32
thanks for your comments Mark, I certainly find it reassuring to hear that there is no profit made from the course and I'm sure others will too. I guess it's a chicken/egg scenario with regards to cost/numbers - cost can't be lowered unless numbers increase and numbers are not likely to increase until the cost is lowered. I do hope that the course is a success and that those who wish to access it are able to
Thom Raller (Guest) 16/09/2009 23:14
I'm embarrassed by some of these comments (you try to figure out which ones). I hope non-church people do not read this kind of stuff.
Rosemary Cameron 18/09/2009 19:39
I'm embarrassed by the fact that some of my fellow christians are charging £95 for a course on how to hear God and other fellow christians are paying it! There is no 'art' to hearing God - see Heb 1:1-2.

PS. According to the mailing I received from the Bible Society today, £95 would pay for 3 short passages from the bible to be translated into a language which currently does not have the bible, thus enabling people in another land to hear God in their own native tongue.
Andrea Mac 18/09/2009 19:43
Absolutely, Rosemary!

If churches were operating the way they should be, there would be no need for these kind of courses. People would get all the help they need (for free) from within their own church.
Eddie Hallahan 21/09/2009 11:37
If there is no art to hearing God then why do people find it so hard?

I agree that Christians should be getting this sort of instruction from within their churches but the sad fact is that the vast majority of churches aren't giving this sort of instruction - so what should we do - wail and bemoan the fact and snipe at anyone who has the temerity to try and correct the spiritual deficiencies in the church or look to get people trained up that they might go back to their churches and impart what they have learned within the church setting?

The main issue seems to be with the temerity of the course organisers asking people to pay...doesn't it say that the worker is worth their wage in the Bible?
Andrea Mac 21/09/2009 13:50

I honestly believe that if people would spend enough time in prayer and studying the Bible, then they would hear what God is wanting to say to them. You can't hear if you aren't listening!

Have we really reached the situation in churches where people (perhaps even minister included) need to be told to pray and read the Bible? If so, then their immediate need is far deeper and much more basic than to go on a course, regardless of what it is for.
Rosemary Cameron 21/09/2009 19:56
Why do people find it so hard to hear from God? Perhaps because they are looking for flashing lights and warm feelings and esoteric experiences and are not willing to simply open their bible with an open heart? It's not just the cost of the course I have problems with - it's the course itself. I second Andrea's comments about spending time in prayer and bible study. Hearing from God is that simple, and that hard.
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