Strictly Come Praying 2010

It’s back!! Last year young people from all across the Highlands joined together for a time of reaching out to God in praise and prayer. Here is another chance to Strictly Come Praying: don't miss it.

(first published 26/01/10)

Strictly Come Praying (Inverness)

Saturday, 20 March, 2010
11.00am to 4.00pm
Culduthel Christian Centre, Inverness

Annette Maclean (SU Inverness) writes:


 Strictly Come PrayingLast year you told us it was “amazing”, “inspiring” and “encouraging” along with “please do more stuff like this!” So guess what? We’re doing it again!


We’ve got another excellent programme lined up with Graham Black (Aberdeen) as our key-note speaker and some really helpful workshops to choose from including:

  • No time to pray?

  • Praying with your friends.

  • What do I do God?

  • Making a difference!

  • Praying with young people (seminar for Youth Leaders)


And we’re delighted to announce that the IMAGINE festival band can join us for the day again!!


We’ll talk to God in worship, interactive prayer stations, workshops, big groups and small groups, in silent or spoken prayer. Come as you are - confident or unsure, chilled out or stressed out - however you feel, God will hear you. We come to learn from the book of Daniel, how prayer changed his life.

We come asking God to listen to us in 2010.


Don’t miss out - speak to your youth group or school group and make a booking now (suitable for P7 - S6).


To book your place or for more information contact the Inverness SU office:

Tel: 01463 791177


Tickets cost £3 per head which includes a tasty lunch!


Annette Maclean, 26/02/2010