A Word from David Noakes in 2001

At a Intercession Conference in 2001 at Kilravock Castle David Noakes shared a word which resonates strongly today.
EDITOR'S preface: Two of the principal characteristics that have driven and inhabited the world from 2020 onward are the issues of fear and worry, and Christian believers were not immune. At a time when most church leaders and denominations were embracing and even endorsing the Covid injections, an American pastor was very quick to correctly identify the source and dynamic of the spiritual mechanisms at work. 

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PSALM 23 is one of the most universally-familiar and referenced passages in the Bible. King David declared: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil."

Meanwhile Paul advised the Phillippian church:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in  everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7
Jesus himself instructed:
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matt. 6:25-27

With these things in mind, the words which David spoke 23 years ago resonate into the present hour.

Ellel Ministries (Scotland) Intercession Conference 19/07/2001
a word by David Noakes

BELOVED the days are coming and are now not far off, when there will be greater darkness upon the earth than has ever been known before. This must come as I bring my judgements, for the inhabitants of the earth have polluted it beyond measure and the everlasting covenant has been broken. The blood of the innocent is crying out to me from the earth. The blood of my chosen people is crying out to me from the earth. The blood of the holy innocents is crying out to me from all around the world, and I the Lord cannot bear this pain and grief much longer.

Beloved, the cup of iniquity of the inhabitants of the earth has come to the full and great darkness will descend. Do not think that this darkness is simply the work of the evil one. Do not attribute it all to him. but understand that I, the Lord, am fully in control. Understand that when the times of darkness come, it is because I have sent them, because in the darkness I will work mightily. In the darkness I will bring judgement on the deeds of darkness.

But Beloved, I would not have you to be afraid of these times that will come, rather I am preparing an army of those who will overcome in my Name. I am preparing a people that will walk so close to me and will hear my very heart beat and understand the very thoughts of the heart of God, a people who will know what they should do in those days, a people that will have the wisdom of God and the counsel of God. And as. you submit to me, Beloved, I will so cleanse your lives, that the light shall shine brightly in the darkness, the treasure that I shall have put in you. as earthen vessels, will become as light shining through clear glass and in the midst of the darkness there shall be the light of Salvation for a lost world which is reeling under the judgements of God.

"Therefore do not be afraid... do not be anxious"

Therefore do not be afraid but as you see the darkness increase, look up and hold your heads high for your salvation draws near and the coming of your God will be at hand. Therefore. Beloved, be prepared and expect these things. I would not have my people to be unprepared but I am preparing you, each one of you who will submit to me. Allow me to have access to every part of your lives. Allow me to bring the depth of cleansing that only I can do. Only I, the Lord, can search the heart and seek out the corruption and heal the wounds. Only I know what is there within you, and in my love for you, I will deal with you gently, and I will clean you as a mother would clean the wounds of a child and I will heal you as a skilled physician heals the wounds of his patient, and I will strengthen you with the wisdom that only I have. And as I cleanse you I will fill you afresh with my Spirit and you will walk strong and no man shall make you afraid for you will walk in the fear of the Lord and all other fear will be banished. And I will make you, my ambassadors in the midst of the darkness. I will make you bearers of my light and the Word of truth. I will send forth Light and Truth again into the world. Those of you who will walk with me I will make bearers of that Light and Truth.

Therefore do not be anxious and do not be concerned, for I will be with you every step of the way, but rather look to Me and be expectant with joy. Regard it as a privilege to be called into the Kingdom for 'such a rime as this', for I, the Lord, have caused you to be born at this time. I the Lord have watched over your lives from the beginning and have prepared you for these days and I the Lord, will stand with you to sustain you and will walk along beside you and uphold you, and you will know my love continuously, in a way that you have never known it before, for I will manifest myself to you in a deeper and more powerful way than you have ever yet known. And surely in that day you will know in a new way that I am the Lord and through what I do with you. and the way I manifest myself through you, the world will know, in a new way, that I am the Lord.

Therefore be greatly encouraged. I speak to you, not to alarm you. I speak to you in order to banish fear. I speak to you in order to prepare you and to strengthen you. And I speak to you to encourage you, to say. "Do not have one atom of doubt in your hearts, but that your God will be in charge, every inch of the way, and you will walk in safety under the shadow of my wings." I would have you go forth from this place in peace and with the excitement and expectancy in your hearts that your God will fulfil all his purposes and that the earth will indeed be filled with knowledge of my Glory.

Ed footnote: See here for editorial policy on prophecy.

David NoakesDavid Noakes has a long-standing and highly-regarded Bible-teaching ministry. He is a former lawyer and erstwhile chairman of Hatikvah Film Trust which authors documentary-style film productions relating to God's purposes for Israel and the Jewish nation.
David can be found speaking on a video trailer of A Call to Repentance.