Kirking of the Council put on ice

Old High Church, Inverness
Old High ChurchA Leading Inverness minister yesterday made a strong plea in his sermon for the retention of a centuries-old annual church ceremony.

The Rev Douglas Clyne's comments followed a surprise announcement last week by Inverness Provost Bob Wynd that the Kirking of the Council would in future go into abeyance until the start of the next council four-yearly cycle in 2011.

Press & Journal 3 September 2007


Ed note: The "Kirking" ceremony has - as a long-standing tradition - been held in the Old High Church in Bank Street/Church Street. The Old High is the oldest church in Inverness. Rev. Clyne is "interim moderator" (locum minister) for the parishes of Old High/St. Stephens.


Prayer note:
There is a Pray for Scotland "Prayer Walk" around Inverness each 1st Tuesday of the month - starting at the Town House at 7.30pm
Contact Ernie Gibson
Tel. 01463 772755

Click <here> for the above, and other regular Inverness Prayer Groups.