Abortions in Scotland

Abortions in Scotland reduced

A briefing paper from Christian Medical Fellowship (http://www.cmf.org.uk/ethics/abortion_law_liberalisation.htm) on proposed changes gives more background information.

Christian Concern For Our Nation members have responded over the last year in prayer, encouragement, support, and in contacting MPs and the Prime Minister. CCFON asks: "Can you run one last lap with us? Please write urgently and before 30 June to:

  • The Prime Ministerasking Mr Brown to exert his influence to uphold the government’s position that the Abortion Law should not be amended

  • Your MPasking him or her to vote against the Harris amendments. You can find out your MP’s views on abortion on the Alive and Kicking Website

A further briefing paper (http://www.cmf.org.uk/ethics/letter_writing_on_abortion.htm) on the CMF website gives a number of points that you could make.

Please say what effect these unnecessary changes would have for both women and the unborn and upon medical practice itself and urge the PM and your MP to oppose any liberalisation of the law.

If you can make time to send a letter by post, this will be even more effective than an email. You can write to both the PM and your MP at the House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.

Finally please pray that for sake of mothers, babies, doctors and society the abortion law will not be further liberalised.




Ed footnote: See also soaring rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Scotland

Christians Together, 24/06/2008