Is your world being shaken?

We see much chaos around us and even within us. But a God who made us and loves us has made provision for us.

Man being blownAs we pick up our newsapers, the headlines scream at us: climate chaos, violence on our streets, economic collapse, soaring costs of food and fuel, ruined holidays and unsellable homes. The list goes on and on.

But these things are not just headlines and statistics. Millions of people, ordinary people, rich and poor alike, are having their hopes and dreams dashed and even their very existence placed in jeopardy. And very sadly some of this may be happening to you?

And all these things tell us something —

the world is not totally out of control .....

but we are totally out of control of it.

Even those things affecting our daily lives and

often we feel we are hanging on by a thread. But hang on, and read on!

God help me!

It is often when we are at the very end of ourselves that we cry out: "God help me!"

But He already has made provision for us....

The Bible tells us that God so loved us that He sent His one and only Son to die for us that we might find a restored relationship with Him.

Because we cannot work our way to God

Man however tries various ways to getting to God by other means.
And none of these will turn us into a Christian believer any more than standing in a garage will turn us into a car.

We cannot earn our salvation by -

  • being born in a Christian country (and there's no such thing as a Christian country)
  • being born of Christian parents (God has only children; He doesn't have any grand-children)
  • going to church (good to do, but it won't save us)
  • doing good deeds (there are many atheists who do good things)
  • giving to good causes
  • giving to God (there is nothing we have that God needs)
  • trying our best to be a 'good person' (we all do wrong - including huge "thought crimes")
  • merely believing in God's existance (even the Devil believes in God)
  • being Christened as a baby, baptised as an adult or being a member of a church

There is only one way to God and that is through handing over our lives to Jesus Christ.

It is the easiest but yet can be the hardest thing to do, because we all love to be in control of our lives.


The steps are fairly straightforward, but the process is profound and life-changing: -

Admit that you are a wrongdoer (sinner), have gone your own way and are in need of help.

Believe that God loves you, Jesus died for you and is making you that offer of salvation right now.

Accept the offer of God by saying a simple prayer of admitting your need and handing over control of your life to Jesus.

Receive new life and the gift of the Holy Spirit who will come into your life.
If you have done these things then -
  • tell someone about it (God blesses those profess their faith in Him)
  • find a mature Christian to give you help, advice and support (but don't assume that everyone who goes to church is a born-again believer; even a dog-collar is no guarantee)
  • start reading the Bible (the New International Version is a modern translation; and start by reading the book of Mark to learn more about Jesus). You can get a summary and download a copy by clicking here.
  • pray to God; it's all about building on your new relationship with Him
  • start meeting with other Christians (there are Christians in all walks of life; and they can recommend a good church to you)

DoveIf you have turned over your life to following Christ in a restored relationship with God, the Holy Spirit will come into your life and lead you in the way that you should go.

As we place our trust in the JesusChrist and become a true child of God, the promises of our Father in Heaven  become ours to claim. Jesus taught that we should cast all our needs upon God and that He would give us peace in our hearts.

And remember the Bible tells us (in the book of Philipians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7):

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.


There are many good resources for new Christians. Go to Christian bookshop and ask for help in choosing some material which will help you grow in your faith. And you can find much good on-line help; but you do need to be careful, the web is a mixed bag.
And if you need any further advice please <click here>.

Christians Together, 15/09/2008