Luis Palau update

21 Nov 2008

Randy Burtis of the Luis Palau Association (LPA) has sent out an update on the prospect of a Luis Palau mission to the Highlands next year. In it he writes:

Thank you to the more than 70 ministers and elders who attended the Church Leadership Conference with International Evangelist Luis Palau on 2 October at the Lochardil Hotel. It was a great time of teaching and encouragement for those who were able to attend. There was also a brief presentation about inviting Luis and his team to Northern Scotland to conduct an evangelistic initiative.. In the meantime here is a brief update on what has taken place since the conference.
  • More than 30 ministers have indicated their desire to participate in such an outreach, though some wanted to consult with their church leadership.
  • Lord James MacKay of Clashfern has agreed to serve as chairman should the invitation be offered.
  • Angus MacKenzie Chartered Accountant, Inverness is giving financial oversight, in co-operation with other colleagues.
  • Twenty-five leading business people from the Inverness area met with Luis Palau and pledged their support
A DVD of the meeting in Inverness in October should be available soon, but meanwhile you can catch a flavour of the day here by clicking on the picture to see a short video -
Luis Preaches

You can also listen to a short interview which Luis Palau and members of his team gave with Christians Together in which the evangelist speaks of his heart's conviction regarding the area and prospect of an outreach festival.
(Note: some Firefox browser users have experienced a problem listening. If you have a problem, please let the editor know. Thanks.)

The form of the outreach events conducted by the LPA has changed from "stadium" events to a "festival" approach; and the following gives an idea of what goes on "behind the scenes" -
  • Christians come together across denominational and racial lines to work, pray, give, and learn.
  • LPA trains thousands of local Christians in friendship evangelism.
  • LPA equips hundreds of local churches to disciple new or recommitted believers from the festival.
  • Strategic outreaches to local government, education, women’s and business leaders change individual hearts—and over time, the heart of the city.
  • Servant evangelism and community outreach projects bring tangible help and the love of Christ to the city’s neediest residents and locations.
  • Citywide anticipation of the event grabs the attention of local secular media, generates public discussion of the Gospel, and makes people want to know more about God and salvation through Jesus Christ.

According the LPA there a legacy in each festival city after the event(s) of "unprecedented unity in the Body of Christ, and a core group of Christian leaders committed to ongoing, combined evangelistic outreach to their communities".


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Christians Together, 21/11/2008