Are you part of a small group?

It would seem to be the case that there is an increasing number of Christian believers meeting in 'small group/house church' settings. Are you part of, or aware of any of these groups?


Small group/house-church/small church survey
GropThe Christians Together website is currently undertaking a 'snapshot' survey of the increasing number of small-group/house-church meetings.

It is hoped to publish a short review of some of these groupings shortly along with some information and observations relating to how these groups function and the questions and answers that they have found in operating in a loosely-structured fashion.

If you are part of one of these groups (from 2 - 3 persons up to around 20 believers or more) please be in touch so that the wider body can be aware of your group and perhaps benefit from the experience that you have gained in function in this fashion.

Feel free to leave any observations you may have on the ''Response' facility (below); or alternatively contact the Editor by e-mail  (editor<at sign>


The Editor, 27/02/2012