Highland Heritage

Over the past 6 months, Christians Together has been working with an Edinburgh-based organisation called TELit in order to produce a piece of outreach literature to coincide with the "Highland 2007" year of culture.
In the current mailing (Spring 2007) of Christians Together a copy of one of these folders has been included. The folders are an excellent presentation of the Gospel; and can be used equally by Churches, Christian organisations and individuals.

Telit logo

Highland Heritage1

Highland Heritage inside folde

TELit produced outreach literature based on particular themes, issues, sports or geographical areas.

A wide range of folders are available from TELit's Edinburgh office; and Barry and his team would be happy to answer any  questions on their range of excellent range materials which tap into local, national and international issues.

144a Ferry Road
Edinburgh IH6 4NX

E-mail: info@telitquick.org
Web: www.telitquick.org