Prayer and help for our farmers

Rural sceneIrrespective of how  the current foot-and-mouth crisis develops it is likely that livestock movement restrictions could be in place for quite some time, and many in the farming industry could suffer greatly.

At this (Autumn) time of year farmers would normally be sending this year's lambs to market and also island farmers could be planning to send their herds on the mainland for over-wintering. Hill farmers will have great difficulty feeding their animals; and the price of grain for feeding is currently very high.

In the last serious foot-and-mouth crisis, Inverness and District Gospel Male Voice Choir compiled an audio cassette tape of hymns, prayers and Christian messages of support. Entitled "GOD CARES - Hymns for Farmers", these were sent out to farmers across the land. At the time, messages of appreciation thanks came in from farmers, their families and Farmers' Unions from as far afield as Devon and Northern Ireland.

Speaking on television a few days ago, one farmer described the situation of resembling an hotel owner whose guests stay on beyond their allotted period, requiring caring, food and shelter; unable to say how much longer they would be staying, having no money to pay their bills and not knowing how much - if anything - they will be able eventually to pay.

At this time of year, many churches hold services of Harvest Thanksgiving; whilst thanking God for His provision it would be good to pray for this current situation and all caught up in it.

Fields and Animals

If you know a farmer or others in the agricultural sector (transport, auctions, suppliers, etc.)
who could be affected by this crisis and in need of comfort and support, why not e-mail them this page (see link at top left of this page); and they can download and listen to the recording.
Note: The recording is a big file (40Mb) and lasts for 53 minutes. It is advisable to download it and listen to it off-line. Do not attempt to download the file on a low-speed (dial-up connection).



Needing someone to talk to?

The following links might be of help -

Farm Crisis Network     Helpline: 0845 367 9990

Also -

Christian Farmers Network

Agricultural Christin Fellowship


The cassette tape referred to above was recorded in 2001 in the chapel of the Royal Northern Infirmary Inverness.

Mr. Roddie Robertson from Tain who supplies the agricultural sector was involved in the production and distribution of the tapes. Over 8000 copies were sent out far and wide; and many messages of thanks and appreciation came in from places as far away as Devon and Northern Ireland.

1. The Lord's My Shepherd
2. Opening Prayer - Bill Cowie
3. Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
4. Solo - Love Lifted Me - Bill Cowie; Chorus - Choir
5. God Cares - Part 1 - Dr. George Mitchell
6. My Saviour's Love
7. Though You Sins Be As Scarlet
8. God Cares - Part 2 - Dr. George Mitchell
9. How Great Thou Art
10 Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go
11 A Brief Word from George Henderson
12 Rock of Ages
13 It Is Well
14 Priceless Treasure
15 Closing Prayer - Dr. George Mitchell
16 What A Day That Will Be




The Choir conductors were George Nash, Alistair Murray and George Henderson.
Rev. Dr. George Mitchell gave the messages. The organist was Jim Sutherland; and the recording made by Norman Mackenzie.

The present secretary of the Inverness and District Gospel Male Voice Choir is:

Mr. Sam MacDonald Tel. 01463 235508