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Articles (24 found)

Israel Geopolitics An Israeli PM goes to Washington - again
If you know anyone out there on planet earth who thinks that there is a simple two-state solution for Israeli/Palestinian politics, please point them to this report. more ...
Middle East Cauldron R Israel and the Church
A team from Israel will be giving political, spiritual and experiential insights based on the Word of God and their daily experiences of living in a physical and spiritual war zone. more ...
Ellel Ministries
Israel Biblical and Historical Israel
Women for Mission are hosting an open meeting for men and women looking at: Historical and Biblical Israel. Speaker is Elspeth Masson of CFI. more ...
Christians Together
Tommie Mackay on guitar Oh Jerusalem by Tommie Mackay
Following a trip to Israel in December 2008, Tommie Mackay of Inverness YMCA/CYC penned the song 'Oh Jerusalem'. more ...
Christians Together
Melanie Phillips A Jew defending Christians in the UK
With the church's track record of anti-semitism through the centuries, it is not altogether usual for a Jew to write so consistently and earnestly in support of Christians. more ...
Christians Together
Doctors and Palestinian Child DO BELIEVE some of what you DON'T READ in the papers
Whilst vicious enemies continue to call for Israel's annihilation, Jewish doctors treat and save Palestinian children. But our media don't carry these stories. more ...
Haifa Diarist
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Media (4 found)

The import for the church regarding God's purposes for IsraelRev. David Andrew
Esther 4-14
Length:15 minutes
Rev. David Andrew is the editor of the magazine Sword and he speaks of the import for the church regarding her views and beliefs relating to the nation of Israel. In the interview he also speaks of a film entitled the Destiny of Britain which was premiered in the UK on 11 December 2007 - the 90th anniversary of General Allenby re-taking the city of Jerusalem in 1917.
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Destiny of Britain Sound TrackSound Track
Esther 4-14
Length:6 minutes
The edited sound track of trailer for the film The Destiny of Britain - including quotes from JC Ryle, C H Spurgeon and Robert Murray McCheyne; and details about General Allenby's entrance into Jerusalem coincident with the signing of the Balfour Declaration.
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The Destiny of Britain (Trailer)A Trailer
Esther 4-14
Length:7 minutes
The Destiny of Britain is a film about Britain's part in establishing the modern state of Israel - a vision, supported by great Christian revivalists and Bible teachers such as the Wesley brothers, Charles Simeon, Robert Murray McCheyne, C H Spurgeon, and Bishop J C Ryle.
Windows Media VideoWatch Download 22.6MB
Interview with Chuck CohenChuck Cohen
Wider News
Length:11 minutes
Chuck Cohen visited the Highlands in May 2007 as part of a tour with Christian Friends of Isreal. He is one of the directors of Intercessors for Israel who leads at an annual prayer conference in Ellel Ministries Blairmore House near Huntly.
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