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Harvest is past; the summer has ended

Memories of the summer of 2011 will be fixed forever in the minds of many within the Church of Scotland. The Kirk in General Assembly during May 2011 confirmed its most public and corporate act of apostasy since its formation in 1560.

first published 04/09/11
Scroll down for main report
"The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved."
Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me.
Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? (Jer 8:20)
Jesus said: "I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." (Matt 16:18)


The Church of Scotland, like many other denominations around the world, has had an ongoing and escalating difficulty in accommodating the modern-day view of intimate same-sex relationships as being a normal lifestyle choice.
The public acceptance of and legal provision introduced in 2004 for civil partnerships (de facto gay marriage) have significantly increased the the pressure on Christian churches to accept homosexual relationships as a valid expression of human sexuality.
In 2006, the annual General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Kirk’s highest court was blocked in a bid to allow individual ministers freedom of conscience regarding whether or not to bless same-sex relationships.
Employing the mechanism of the Barrier Act which prevents important decisions being made at Assembly level without consulting the church as a whole, the evangelical wing obliged the denomination to consult the membership through the structure of presbyteries (groupings of representatives of local churches in geographical proximity). Ultimately the voting by the presbyteries defeated the revisionist view and the status quo was accordingly preserved.
However the whole issue exploded again onto centre stage in January 2009 when Queen’s Cross Church, a local congregation in the city of Aberdeen, called and inducted a minister who was living in a homosexual relationship.
The General Assembly of that year took no action to reverse that situation but set up a Special Commission on same-sex relationships. Broadly speaking the report (presented in May 2011) gave no mandate for change from the traditional view of (heterosexual/monogamous) marriage between one man and one woman in a faithful and exclusive relationship. The Assembly voted to (conditionally) allow homosexual ministers to remain in place and be inducted to new charges. A further theological study on the matter was commissioned to report back to the General Assembly in 2013.


Few believe that the present decline in the theological integrity within the Church of Scotland will be reversed. (God can do anything, but it depends on what God chooses to do.)
Of those ministers, elders and members who are upset about the current liberal and unbiblical ‘trajectory, some are intending to stay and ‘tough it out’; believing it can be fixed. Many others at both personal and congregational levels are intending getting out; convinced that a line has been irreversibly crossed.
Amongst those who are intending to leave there is a wide variety of individual plans of action and timescales. An individual minister could go tomorrow (one has already left without a charge to go to; others could depart quickly for pastures new): congregations will probably take more time in the process.
Emotional responses from the pews include anger, confusion and disappointment with the apparent inaction and lack of clear direction. The effect would be lessened by seeing faith being practised and not just preached. Open and clear communication with the membership is essential. Declarations of dissent from the Kirk's 'trajectory' are being seen as a 'soft option' which achieves next to nothing.
Sadly, there is a very real prospect that a 'wait and see' attitude will, over time, result in a passive acceptance of the tragic departure from biblical teaching.

A summer past

a special report on the Church of Scotland
With grateful thanks to all the ministers, elders and members of the Church of Scotland (you know who you are) for sharing your thoughts and views: these have been fed into the following article.
The holidays are over and the schools are back; regular routines are restored and life goes on. Yet the summer of 2011 – at least for that part of the body of Christ in Scotland which is in the Church of Scotland – is one that will be remembered; both for what did happen, and what is still to happen (or not, as the case may be).
This year, the summer break was ‘bracketed around’ by two significant and extraordinary meetings of leaders from the ‘Kirk’ (a term of erstwhile affection for the national institution).
These gatherings – one in Glasgow in mid-June, the other in Inverness in mid-August – had marked similarities, but were also defined by stark contrasts. Meanwhile over the summer period strategies and tactics for a ‘third way’ were being developed in a less obvious but no less serious fashion .
The denomination which is the ‘national church’ is in total upset over a recent vote which challenges the very authority of God and His Word.
Tron Church, Glasgow
Both of these gatherings saw those in positions of leadership – ministers and elders – come together in their hundreds. All involved had, and do have, a concern for God’s word; and they were and are much dismayed at a recent decision on the issue of human sexuality.
Meeting in General Assembly in May of this year the Church decided (by a 351/294 vote) to (conditionally) allow openly-practicing gay clergymen to remain in their church pulpits and manses. (A General Assembly is the top tier of Presbyterian government.)
Those who later spoke in Glasgow and Inverness (ministers all) had considered their personal and collective positions in advance; and the running order on each occasion included singing and prayers. However, the meat in these respective sandwiches was scripted perorations aimed at supporting particular perspectives of the situation regarding sexuality in Scotland’s 21st-century national church. And both assemblies were of the view that a serious response was required.
But these similarities did not conceal a stark contrast in the content of what was said, and the precise nature of the response required. ‘Glasgow’ was of the clear and robust view that a ‘line had been crossed’: that the Church was demonstrating by its chosen ‘trajectory’ (towards the acceptance of what is in effect ‘gay marriage’ in its pulpits and manses) to be flying in the face of God’s righteousness and in open rebellion against the authority of His Word. The Inverness perspective was one of judging the Kirk’s actions as being a lamentable regression, but one which – when viewed in the whole sweep of church history – was a recoverable setback in the graph of post-Reformation Scotland. Human effort and astute organisational footwork would correct the situation. Fight clever; fight harder; fight from within. [It needs to be said that this is exactly what has been going on for decades, and certainly since 2009; yet it has not halted the downhill slide.]
Plug the leak or abandon ship?
John Knox
What would he say and do?
In the most basic and general sense (and exceptions are always the victims of generalisations), the ‘Glasgow’ view was that the once-mighty ecclesiastical battleship has driven itself onto the rocks with unbiblical intent and is now holed below the waterline.
In contrast, the opinion expressed in the Highlands was in the manner of: ‘Steady as she goes; don’t jump ship (yet); rather man the pumps while we fix the leak.’
Meanwhile, and over the summer, a third strand of thinking has resulted in a ‘third way’ approach. Yes, the ship is doomed, but take time to build some lifeboats.
Doubt amongst resolve

In Glasgow – and prefacing many bold words – there was a reference to King Jehoshaphat’s situation of being besieged. His admission and affirmation to Israel’s God when faced with a clear and present danger ran: “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you" (2 Chron 20:12). This statement – both then and now – juxtaposes an acknowledgement of total vulnerability with resolute (or perhaps ‘last ditch’) reliance on the prevailing strength of an Almighty God: it also reduces human wisdom to its rightful place – one of utter dependency. It was an ‘in extremis’ response.
But while the Glasgow meeting produced no unified corporate plan there was no lack of conviction at a personal and congregational level. One speaker – a minister in a church in Edinburgh – outlined the stance of his congregation: it is to refuse to:
• submit to the General Assembly decision on same-sex relationships
• contribute funds to the denomination
• accept oversight by the presbytery (local geographical grouping of churches)
• participate in regular church courts and committes locally and nationally

In admitting to the attendant risks of such a position he affirmed:
“I would rather put my head above the parapet, than stick it in the sand.”  Indeed.
A much bigger issue
But the most profound issue underlying the two meetings lies in the matter facing individual faithful believers in all positions within the Church of Scotland. Acknowledged in Glasgow but unmentioned in Inverness, it relates to authority, oversight and discipline.
In ‘choosing this day whom you will serve’ (Joshua 24:15) the options are whether or not to accept the spiritual lordship of a denomination that has made a profound and very public demonstration of having utterly capitulated to the secular world’s agenda. In so doing it has renounced the authority of the Word of God and living in open and unrepentant rebellion.
There are also the very important matters of the quality of human leadership alongside which the individual disciple of Christ would want to serve, and the hierarchy that has developed within a Presbyterian form of government.
Whilst those who spoke in Glasgow were – at that time anyway – lacking any clear idea of what the way forward might be, the Scottish people and the nation can take heart that they were seen to be – on that day and hour at least – men of faith, courage and conviction. Men who seemed prepared to put the matter of God’s Truth and His Name above personal fears and institutional support. Of the six ministers who spoke that day, five were in parish ministry and looking towards the future in active Christian service. And they were men who seemed prepared, in the life of faith and in the face of adversity, to practise what they preach.

Some suggestions

(for what they are worth)

But there are dangers ahead. And to any ministers who feel they are standing on the edge of the precipice (and in no particular order except the last point, which perhaps should be first):
• Continue to recognise your responsibility to God’s people (Ezra 10:4). They are dismayed, angry and upset. They are – also and meantime – confused by the conflicting messages; and unsettled by apparent prevarication. Appraise them of your thinking and discussions; their responses might be useful to know.
• Organise to the extent it is necessary; but do not rely on (have your dependency based upon) an organisation – however new and fresh. (The present predicament illustrates that the one in which you serve has failed you dismally.) The history of Scottish Presbyterianism is shot through with the folly of which Albert Einstein spoke: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
• Discernment, conviction and courage are the essentials for this hour (1 Chron 12:32) (Management is ‘doing things right’: leadership is doing the right things. Committees will fail – as they always do – to produce the essential ‘right stuff’ of focus, direction and resolve.)
• It is time to sever any ‘soul ties’ of institutional dependency and misplaced loyalty to existing denominational ‘support mechanisms’. Lot’s wife looked back at Sodom, and her fate was sealed (Gen 19:26). Abraham went out not knowing where he was to go (Heb 11:8).
• Go in the strength you have (Judges 6:14); the truly faithful will follow. There is also a huge resource (and role even) for recently-retired ministers who have the great benefit of experience in the things of God; while not having the daily responsibilities and duties relating to congregations. Draw on their wisdom, and whatever energies they might be able and ready to offer.
• Fulfil your calling under God. But be absolutely sure that you are, in terms of your present ministry, precisely – positionally, geographically and spiritually – where God wants you to be. Because there will be times, as no doubt you are feeling now if you have not experienced before, that this inner conviction, alongside your faith in God, will be the only thing that will keep you going. The promises of God find their fulfilment at the centre of His will and purposes. That’s where we all need to be to avail ourselves of them, and enjoy His blessing.
• For daily and future living, hold tight to the promises of God; the birds and the flowers illustrate His faithfulness (Matt 6:25-29: Matt 6:33).
• Be prepared – at a congregational or even personal level for the possibility of having to follow Abraham in stepping out into the unknown and alone (Heb 11:8). No two situations or congregations are in exactly the same circumstance; so merely copying the behaviour of others will not do.
• Lay your reputation on God’s altar (Gen 22:9; James 2:21). To quote Jim Elliot: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable (Rom 11:29).
• Rely less (if you do) on distant peers (even though they are good people), and more on the prayerful believers in your immediate environment. Fight the ‘set apart’ perceptions which deprive you of meaningful relationship and prayer support from those daily around you. An intimate, personal and trustworthy prayer group does for the soul what a meeting of Presbytery never will.
• Pay scant attention to any ‘elder’ who says: “My job is to offer my minister 100% support.” This is very dangerous. There are many who are prepared to tell us what we want to hear; but very few who will tell us what we need to hear. It is iron, not putty, that sharpens iron (Pr. 27:17).
• As a matter of urgency, revisit your ‘Subordinate Standard’ (See Footnotes).
• Ask yourself the question: “Am I free?” Free to say and do what I think will earn the reward “good and faithful servant”? Free to speak openly and to act according to your most profound convictions? And if you find there are external constraints, what are they? Are they of God or are they of the enemy of God?
• Be prepared for even greater battles ahead – within the ‘evangelical’ church. (This is a story for another day. But the coming days will sift the Bible-believing church in a manner most profound.)

The Third Way
Meanwhile, judging the Church to be in terminal decline, there is a third strand emerging as a response to the May Assembly’s decision. Rather than “I’m leaving now” approach, the strategy (with tactics emerging) is to build a base – taking account of the legalities surrounding the buildings and finances – which will, as quickly as possible over the few years, allow for a more ordered withdrawal from the denomination. [It is worthwhile noting however that the Disruption of 1843 was 10 years in the making.]
So the difference between two of the responses is merely one of timescale and tactics. Some are for leaving now (or in as short a time as possible); the other is to use the next two or more years to build a foundation which will offer an alternative platform for local ministers and congregations.
The 'Third Way' (collective/managed) approach has a clear rationale behind it: however it runs the very real danger of getting itself bogged down in -
"I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing; and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization."       Charles Ogburn writing on the WWII Burma campaign
The options would seem to be:
The current crisis (and others before and perhaps future) would not occur if the present hierarchy was abandoned and primacy was restored to the local congregations (in localised and mutual accountability with the body of Christ in the same area). In this scenario Queen’s Cross church in Aberdeen would be called to repentance by other local churches or otherwise dis-fellowshipped: end of story.
The Associated Presbyterian Churches have a looser form of association; the Free Church of Scotland have been obliged to give 'freedom to choose' to local congregations over a recent issue. Elgin-born scholar Professor F.F. Bruce has written in his book The Spreading Flame':
"There was no idea that the church of one city was subordinate to the church of any other city. Further, there was in those earlier centuries no suggestion that any one church was subordinate to the aggregate of all the churches."

Repair the Foundations
The present problems (in more than the Church of Scotland) drill down to the structures and power blocs that have developed in the name of the ‘church’. It will be interesting (but that’s not quite the right word) how this process will develop.
The ‘set apart’ distinctive of ‘the ministry’ is being eroded by other factors, as circumstances oblige that the ‘laity’ to take on previously-reserved roles. However there is still a love affair – across the board – with buildings which needs to be broken. For leaders they can reflect status and reinforce role, for laity they embody identity and intrinsic permanence. But Jeremiah sternly rebuked the temple worshippers (Jer 7:4) and Jesus struck at the heart of this problem also (Matt 24:1).

The very real positives

Where/when will all this end; where is it all heading? We trust the Lord knows. What future for the Church of Scotland as a denomination? it will survive in some form or another: people love religion, and those who operate religious machinery have a vested interest in maintaining it.
However with the financial woes, the loss of ministers as the post-war baby boom moves into retirement, the present loss of Bible-believers and their financial support, and the unlikelihood of any Bible-faithful young men signing up for training and ordination the prospects to not look good.
But ‘pruning and refining’ are thoroughly biblical concepts and we just might be seeing God clear the building site of rubble in order that Jesus can build His faithful church. The anguish of these processes is already being felt. But, as the saying goes: "No pain; no gain."
What is becoming apparent as a huge positive in all of this, is that there is serious thinking going on which has the possibility of ‘jumping the tracks’ of all that has been in terms of traditional denominationalism.
Maybe, just maybe, there will be a reading of the Acts of the Apostles and a return to early (and more biblical) precepts of meeting, teaching, praying, caring and outreaching together (Acts 2:42 - 47; Acts 4:30 - 37)
Meanwhile to all those of clear and uncompromised faith, conviction and courage, the hymn writer might say:
Rise up, O men of God!
Have done with lesser things.
Give heart and mind and soul and strength
To serve the King of kings.
Rise up, O men of God!
The kingdom tarries long.
Bring in the day of brotherhood
And end the night of wrong.
Rise up, O men of God!
The church [of believers] for you doth wait,
Her strength unequal to her task;
Rise up and make her great!


Both the meetings in Glasgow  –for good and practical reasons – were (mainly) limited to ministers and elders of the Church of Scotland. The down side of this limitation was that the discussions were conducted in a semi-private fashion. However video recordings of the Glasgow meeting have since been made available online.
This has ensured that any Church member, indeed any member of the public can hear what was said. This is in line with the openness to which disciples of Christ are called. We need to 'walk in the light'.
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (1 John 1:5 - 7)

Fight from within?
The ‘fight from within’ argument (cf Col 2:4) holds out the prospect of a reversal of the present situation (through a 2-year study now in progress) and also cites the Barrier Act (a mechanism which can prevent a General Assembly make any undesirable change) as a means of thwarting any further capitulation to the liberal agenda running within the halls of power within the Church. (Invoking the Barrier Act would add yet another year to the process, with the matter rolling on to 2014: by which time many of the ‘hold on’ view will be in, or heading for, retirement.)
There are two problems here; one extant, the other very likely:
• On such a serious issue and blatant departure from God’s word we see Bible believers in the national church and all the other denominations beyond – in Scotland and around the world – in a situation of having to countenance liberal leaders dragging the church and the nation into a deep ditch of unrepentant sin (cf Matt 15:14; Matt 23:13).
At the meeting in Inverness a reference was made to excuse the ‘establishment’ (of liberal church leaders) for their actions. To paraphrase: “It’s not their fault; it’s the fault of the surrounding culture.” (Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the Serpent.)
Recently one pundit wrote to his newspaper: “Instead of the Church leading society up the hill, society is leading the church down the hill.” Yet the present Church of Scotland Moderator gave the assurance: “We as the National Church will continue to provide guidance and spiritual leadership for the people of Scotland.” With our citizens rioting, the economy bust, the earth quaking, and the nations in famine and flames, the nature of the ‘guidance’ on offer is indeed a big question.
• The study/commission will not report back until 2013. And even if the orthodox position is then restored (and few anticipate that happening), there have already been ‘back door’ attempts to effectively remove or disable the Barrier Act (which has thus far slowed, but evidently not halted the persistent and now very conspicuous ‘falling away’ from God’s Truths; Luke 12:3).
If – as many think – the passage of time will only see the liberal agenda prevail, what will those who have adopted the ‘fight from within do then’? Nothing? Meanwhile the nation is bereft of God’s prophetic voice.

The unmentionable issue
A minister referred in private conversation to a question which he and most of his colleagues are considering, but seldom if ever voice: it is the proverbial ‘elephant in the room’; and it is to do with faith and fear.
“What can a (say) 50-year-old with a wife and family to support do for alternative employment when he is not trained to do anything other than ‘the ministry’?”
It was perhaps a question asked by the Clydeside workforce who built ships; by the car assembly workers at Linwood and the miners in Fife’s coal pits. With these men it was the laws of economics that forced their departure; with ministers, ‘conscience’ is the dynamic and imperative.
But while the demand for ships, cars and coal has all but disappeared from Scotland, the need for sound expository preaching of the Word of God is ever needful. And, for believing ministers (who remain faithful), they have the ever-present all-sufficient God on their side. Speaking immediately after the Assembly decision, one trusting minister exuberantly declared:
“I feel free. I don’t care if I drive a bus to allow me to exercise my ministry and support my family.”
‘Subordinate’ Standard?
The Westminster Confession of Faith has been the subordinate standard of Presbyterian churches in Scotland and around the world since the time of writing in the mid-17th century. It contains much which is good, but it was a child of its time. Written in a particular historical setting and aimed at addressing particular issues it is (in part) deficient, unbiblical and extra-biblical. It is also ultimately – as the present situation proves – impotent in preventing unbelief and heresy. (If church leaders won’t submit to the authority of God’s word, what hope that they will be governed by any document of human origin?).
But the most serious effect has been to create a form and structure within the Presbyterian fold which has grossly restricted the exercise of whole-body ministry by the priesthood of all believers; while also giving man-made church laws parity with the Word of God.
It has become a sacred cow which defies the ‘Sola Scriptura/Semper Reformanda’ tenets of the Reformers; and it has created unnecessary conflict and division over secondary issues on which believers conscientiously differ. It is overly complex and – if it is to continue to have a place at all – is in need of a radical redrafting.
Some important considerations
The easiest position for a minister to be in is that of being close to retirement. “I don’t want to upset my congregation and then leave them to their fate.” It’s a valid viewpoint. But which is most dangerous? To help the people make the transition, or to leave them amongst a pack of wolves in sheep’s clothing? How will future generations perceive your inaction?
One of the most difficult situations is ministers who are in training or in their first charge. "Why did God call me here unless He wants me here?" Again, this is a valid question.
But balance this with some other questions:
Where is the Church heading? Is it in line with your direction of travel? How will your walk with God fare whilst surrounded by a spiritually-toxic environment? What happens if your Kirk Session – present or future – is a ‘mixed bag’ (as many/most are)? What happens if in two or more years time the church slides even further into rebellion? How will you respond if, as many anticipate, performing same-sex ceremonies becomes mandatory?
[The Scottish Parliament has just launched a 'consultation' on civil partnerships with a statement outlining the government's support for churches to be available (as they would wish) for civil partnership ceremonies. Part of the remit to the theological commission is to develop a liturgy. A Christian MSP is concerned that what is initially 'permissive' will move to become mandatory under law.]
The notion of the ‘broad’ Church
There will ever be unbelief and deception within the church, but arguments based on ‘wheat and tares’ and ‘sheep and goats’ should not be used as an excuse for a ‘broad’ – increasingly heretical – church. Such arguments lead believers into a compliant fatalism and inaction: encouraging passive acceptance of all that we see; gross error included.
Conversely, the constant and consistent biblical response should be to root out error and false teaching in the body; to expose it for what it is; and to dis-fellowship those who are in unrepentant rebellion against God’s Word and God’s authority (Eph 5:11; 1 John 1:6).

The dynamics of the spirit world

The enemy of God is described sometimes as a roaring lion and sometimes as a cunning serpent. Satan and his demonic spirits could have a field day in all of this.
Spirit of Pride
This is by far and away the worst sin and the one which caused Satan’s fall.
The voice of the enemy (VoE):
“You are leading a big congregation in a fine building; you don’t want to lose these things do you?” You surely don’t want to go back to a village hall with just a few folk (however committed they might be).”
“After all you are a minister/elder/member of/in the national Church of Scotland.”
“Go on this is a chance to make a name for yourself. You could become leader of the pack; a 21st century John Knox. Your name could go down in history.”
The Word of God (WoG):
 And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass (Lev 26:19) for whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted (Matt 23:12) Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honour at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted in the market-places and to have men call them 'Rabbi'. (|Matt 23:5-7)

Temple worship and idolatry
“It’s your preaching platform.” “You’ve put a lot of money and effort into improvements.” “Why should the denomination get it.” “Your great-grandfather helped to build it.” “Where else could you meet?”
”Do not trust in deceptive words and say, "This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD!" (Jer 7:4) And Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him. (Matt 24:1) The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? (1 Cor 6:7).

Spirit of Fear
“You are just entering the ministry. You only got here with the help of the denomination. You can only go on with the help of the denomination.”
“You are at mid-life. You are not trained to do anything else. You have a wife and family to support.”
“You need a heavyweight structure around you to handle legal questions, tax issues, etc.” What about your pension?
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matt 6:25-33)


Having done all things, stand

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (Eph 6:10 - 13)

Postscript: The above article is a 'work in progress'. Responses can be made via the 'Add Your Response' button below; or alternatively directly to the Editor by e-mail <click here> or editor(at sign)christianstogether.net
Given that the situation is extremely varied, confused and changing rapidly, your view will be as good as anyones.
Footnote: The imperative for all believers in the Church of Scotland is to seek fellowship and Truth wherever these things can be found. (Read Acts 2:42 - 47 and Acts 4:31 - 37. See also 'What to look for in a church.'
LATEST NEWS: A  lesbian minister in Fife has stated that she wishes to enter into a same-sex civil partnership. This development will further fuel the flames and puts the Church of Scotland into a crisis of discipline.
(Author: Christians Together)

See feedback for this article

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Loss of the Ukraine: Russia examines its options
If Russia loses Belarus or Ukraine, it loses its strategic depth, which accounts for much of its ability to defend the Russian heartland. (Author: George Friedman / Stratfor)

Ukraine and the 'Little Cold War'
Stratfor quotes from some of George Friedman's earlier writings regarding Ukraine, and Russia's strategic strengths, chronic insecurities and recovering military might. (Author: Stratfor)

Ukraine Turns From Revolution to Recovery
Stratfor's George Friedman asks whether the Ukraine will unite, and even if it does will that unity hold? (Author: George Friedman)

Obama's Bluff
When Barak Obama declared his 'Red Line' regarding the use of chemical weapons in Syria he thought Assad would never cross it. So what will the US President do now? Stratfor outlines the hard choices. (Author: George Freidman / Stratfor)

Highland pastor writes of God's miracles
Samuel McKibben who is well known throughout Scotland, the UK and ministers internationally is launching his book 'God of Miraculous' at a book-signing in Inverness on Saturday. (Author: Christians Together)

Judgment; cause and effect
At a prayer conference in the summer of 2010 a Christian leader spoke of the UK coming under judgment. We are now seeing these things in our daily newspapers and in the church. (Author: Christians Together)

Senior minister takes the Kirk to task on sexuality issue
Rev. David Randall a senior (retired) Church of Scotland minister who spoke at the General Assembly in May in defence of the traditional view on marriage and sexuality exposes the confusion in a letter to Church members. (Author: David J. Randall)

Kirk confirms its spiritual demise
In a debate where ‘unity’ trumped ‘Truth’ on all sides of the debate the Church of Scotland meeting in General Assembly voted to allow congregations to call gay ministers. (Author: Christians Together)

The Church of Scotland: 1560 - 2009
In a dramatic climax to an issue that has been rumbling for 50 years the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has finally surrendered on a key issue of appointing an openly gay minister. (Author: Watchman)

Halal or Horse: what are we eating?
With the recent scandal surrounding the unwitting purchase of horsemeat in food products, the issue of food labelling is again on the agenda. (Author: The Editor)

New Moderator-designate for FC Continuing
The Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) has appointed Rev. Warren Ewing Gardner as the denomination's moderator for the forthcoming 2013 General Assembly. (Author: Free Church of Scotland (Continuing))

Police chaplain forced out over same-sex views.
A Christian minister and police chaplain has been forced out of his position and he expressed his views on same-sex marriage. (Author: Christian Concern)

Death for Preaching Christ in 'Liberated' Libya
Raymond Ibraim writes of four Christians in Libya who are facing a possible death sentence following 'missionary' activities in the newly-liberated North-African state. (Author: Roymond Ibraim)

An earnest call
With the Catholic Church in the headlines over the Pope's demission Scott Brisk expresses his concerns regarding underlying issues within the Church of Rome. (Author: Scott Brisk/Moriel Ministries)

Aberdeen church leaves the Church of Scotland
Believers from within Gilcomston South Church in Aberdeen's Union Street is the latest congregation to leave the Church of Scotland. (Author: Dominic Smart / Christians Together)

Pakistani girl raped and her family threatened.
A Christian advocate tells the story of a young Pakistani girl who was raped and her family threatened when her father went to the police. (Author: Sardar Mushtaq Gill)

EA responds on Steve Chalke on homosexuality
The Evangelical Alliance (UK) has issued a statement in response to an article on homosexuality written by Steve Chalk in Christianity magazine. (Author: Steve Clifford / Evangelical Alliance)

Training Event for Pioneer Mission
A 3-day training conference is schedule for the last weekend in January designed around the means of expressing the Great Commission in our contemporary world. (Author: Guy Pembroke)

Christianity being wiped out in the Middle East
A new report entitled 'Christianophobia' and published by Westminster think-tank Civitas 'lays bare the scale of the vendetta against Christians'. (Author: Christians Together)

School massacre and a call to repentance
Joel Rosenberg reports on the tragic killings at a Connecticut school and summons preachers to call the United States to repentance in the face of demons of violence. (Author: Joel Rosenberg)

Tron Congregation Leaves Church Building
Following the dispute with the Church of Scotland over the denomination's stance on sexuality the congregation of St. George's Tron church are to leave their Buchanan St. building. (Author: Tron Church)

Remarkable Pictures
Those who go down to the sea in ships, Who do business on great waters; They have seen the works of the LORD, And His wonders in the deep. For He spoke and raised up a stormy wind, Which lifted up the waves of the sea. (Ps. 107:23-25) (Author: Christians Together)

Jordan next?
As Syria heads for an end-game and regime change, the 'Arab Spring' has now reached Jordan. Israel could again end up surrounded by countries hell-bent on its destruction. (Author: Christians Together)

French marching against same-sex marriage
Over 100,000 marched in France in protest over plans by the French Government to legalize same-sex marriage next year. (Author: Christians Together)

Israel and Hamas Pause for Negotiations
In the current escalating conflict between Hamas and Israel reports state that an un-named Israeli official has travelled to Egypt for talks aimed at forestalling a ground invasion of Gaza. (Author: George Friedman - Stratfor)

Israel Ambassador thanks UK church leaders
In the midst of current and escalating crisis in Israel, Daniel Taub who is Israel's Ambassador to the UK has written to Christian leaders in the UK to thank those who have been expressing their support. (Author: Daniel Taub; UK Israeli Ambassador)

Potential for war in Israel
The escalating rocket attacks from the Gaza has put both Hamas and Israel into a difficult position. Neither is looking for a full-blown war; but both are having their arms twisted. (Author: Stratfor/Christians Together)

Reality in the Highlands to close
The Highland branch of Reality Adventure is to close at the end of November. A warm invitation is extended to interested parties to a 'farewell bash' on 27 Nov. (Author: Reality Adventure Works)

America: what now?
In the immediate wake of the presidential election in the US two believers give their thoughts. While writing about America their words speak to the nations. (Author: John Terry / Christians Together)

Benghazi attack: the Set-Up and the Cover-Up
The attack on the US mission in Benghazi; the unexplained stripping of security prior to the attack and the alleged refusal to send help during it. (Author: Clare M. Lopez)

Cameron warns of nuclear-armed Iran
Last Friday it was reported that UK Prime Minister David Cameron is considering stationing Eurofighter Typhoon warplanes in the Persian Gulf. (Author: Christians Together)

Worldwide body expresses its concerns to the Kirk
An international grouping of evangelical denominations, ministries and academics has written to the Church of Scotland expressing its deep concern for the situation surrounding the Tron Church. (Author: Christians Together)

CARE tackles Government on broken promises
A Christian social policy group is challenging the UK Government in its failure to uphold promises on consultation and legislation regarding abortion counselling issues. (Author: Christians Together)

It’s the Tron today: but what next?
The current upheavals within the Church of Scotland rumble on with implications for the wider presbyterian body. (Author: Christians Together)

Are You a Member, And a Member of What?
Christians Together site member John Miller gives a background, overview and comment on the actions of the Glasgow Presbytery of the Church of Scotland to evict the congregation of St. George's Tron Church in Glasgow. (Author: John Miller)

War and Bluff: Iran, Israel and the US
Tensions in the Middle East are running very high as the Syrian crisis degenerates into civil war and the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran draws evermore real. (Author: Stratfor)

Down's Syndrome girl charged with Blasphemy in Pakistan
A young Christian girl with Down’s syndrome has been detained by police in Pakistan, falsely accused of blasphemy; hundreds of Christian families have fled their homes amid a violent Muslim backlash. (Author: Barnabas Fund)

War of words over Dawkins visit to the Hebrides
Following the reaction Richard Dawkins forthcoming date at a Lewis book festival, the scientist has ducked a challenge to debate his beliefs in what has become a war of words. (Author: The Editor)

Why does the BBC ignore Usain Bolt's God?
Alongside media coverage of Mo Farah's faith in Islam, the BBC stands accused by one writer of deliberately failing to acknowledge Olympic hero's Christian belief. (Author: Cranmer)

Pentecostals and Presbyterians get together
Two local churches which sit at opposite ends of the theological spectrum have recently held a joint service in their local town. (Author: Christians Together)

Hebridean churches losing the culture war
With the prospect of arch-atheist Professor Richard Dawkins due to attend a Hebridean book festival it appears as if those who are fighting to maintain the traditions of the Western Isles are fighting a losing battle. (Author: Christians Together)

Olympic 'Praise Bus' ends 65-day journey
The bus carrying the sound of Christian praise has completed its journey around Britain following the path of the Olympic Torch. (Author: Assist News Service)

Homosexual lobby wages economic war in the US
An American chain of fast-food restuarants under attack for its tradtional view of marriage has see nationwide support expressed in a Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day. (Author: Christians Together)

New Roman Catholic Archbishop of Glasgow
The Roman Catholic Bishop of Paisley Philip Tartaglia has been named by the Pope to succeed Most Rev Mario Conti as the Archbishop of Glasgow. (Author: Christians Together)

Phew: Assad won’t use them on us!
The general response to Syria’s recent admission of holding chemical weapons has been one of (mock) shock and few countries are thinking beyond their own interests. Satan however is looking at the big picture. (Author: Christians Together)

Consequences of the Fall of the Syrian Regime
The inevitability of regime change in Syria has very significant consequences for the stability of the whole region and the international geo-political alignments. Assad's fall is a game-changer. (Author: Stratfor / Christians Together)

Olympic security debacle: 40 years on
The humiliating and extremely serious lapse in 2012 Olympic security arrangements is not a new phenomenon. There is at least one people group which can painfully testify to that fact. (Author: Christians Together)

Russian Churches to defend British Christians
The Orthodox Church in Russia is intending to assist two British women who were forbidden to wear Christian symbols. The women are appealing to the European Court of Human Rights. (Author: Christians Together)

Tron Church quits the Church of Scotland
One of the highest-profile congregations in Scotland has quit the national church over the latter's alleged departure from the authority of God's Word. (Author: Christians Together)

Report of recent trip to Israel
David Masson has recently returned from a trip to Israel: he gives a report of his visit which belies much of the disheartening news which we see in our mass media. (Author: David Masson)

Top Saudi cleric calls for destruction of churches
The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia the highest official of religious law in the Sunni Muslim kingdom has called for all churches in the Arabian peninsula to be destroyed. (Author: Catholic Herald / Christians Together)

The Perils of Global Intolerance
Simon Deng, speaking at an 'antidote' gathering to the Durban III conference which has been accused by Western governments for allegedly promoting rather than combating racism. (Author: Simon Deng)

Where is Russia headed?
With Europe politically and economically weak, uncertain and divided, and America distracted by foreign conflicts, Russia has an opportunity. (Author: Stratfor)

Chuck Colson the Prison Fellowship founder dies
Charles ‘Chuck’ Colson, the Nixon aide who became one of the “25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America” in 2005, has died at the age of 80. (Author: Christians Together)

Anglicans accuse London Mayor of censorship
Boris Johnstone has stepped into a bus advertising campaign to ban a response by Anglican Mainstream to a pro-gay slogan carried on London buses. (Author: Church Times/Christian Together)

Highland International Church open for service
On a 21st-century anniversary of Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, a newly-formed congregation of the International Presbyterian Church had its first meeting in an Inverness Hotel. (Author: Christians Together)

Healing on the Streets appeal ASA ruling
A Christian team operating in the city of Bath is to appeal a ruling by the Advertising Standards Authority against the team's website claim that God can heal. (Author: Evangelical Alliance)

Germany moving centre-stage
Since reunification in 1990, the economic tsunami in 2008 and the Eurozone sovereign-debt crises, Germany's strategy is key to Europe and possibly the world beyond. (Author: Stratfor)

Christian Exodus from Iraq
A recent report on the flight of believers from post-war Iraq has stated: "The consequence of this flight may be the end of Christianity in Iraq." (Author: New York Times)

BBC will mock Jesus but not Mohammed
The BBC's director general said the the broadcaster would never mock Mohammed like it mocks Jesus. (Author: Christian Institute)

Christine Keeler on the 'Swinging Sixties'
Christine Keeler whose affair with a British government minister rocked the government has spoken out against the (im)morality of that period. (Author: Christians Together)

Inverness minister quits Kirk to form new church
An Inverness minister has now left the Church of Scotland and is working to set up a new church in the city linked to a separate presbyterian denomination. (Author: Christians Together)

Case against street preacher thrown out
A court action against evangelist Kenny Macdonald was thrown out on the basis of no corroborated evidence to support complaints made against the Inverness-based preacher. (Author: Christians Together)

Germany calls for 'invasion' of Greece
Germany has tabled a proposition which would effectively see Greece losing its sovereignty to the EU; with the latter taking control of the country's finances and the democratic process as the price supporting the Greek economy. (Author: Stratfor)

Nigeria: Christians killed by extremist groups
Early morning attacks in Tafawa Balewa, Bauchi state in Nigeria on Sunday (Jan. 22) left at least seven Christians dead and a church building destroyed. (Author: Obed Minchakpu)

Stratfor: Free Reports for 2012
Stratfor the respected intelligence has made available the following summary of the situation around the world as we head into 2012. (Author: Stratfor)

Military Drill or Preparation for War?
A recent report from an Israel-based Christian news source report about 'the largest joint US-Israel war game ever held' has been described by an American general as more a 'deployment' than an 'exercise. (Author: Lonnie C. Mings)

Pray for this lady; a prophet to the nation
One of the most prophetic voices in the country at the moment is an agnostic (her description) Jewish columnist for a national newspaper. Pray for this lady who champions Christian values. (Author: Christians Together)

Making Sense of the Syrian Crisis
Stratfor the respected global intelligence agency reports on the escalating crisis in Syria and the government under President Assad has attempted to stamp out internal protests within the country using military force. (Author: Stratfor)

United States plans to lock up its citizens
Recent legislation which has passed through the US Senate allows the US military to hold civilian detainees in military facilities for indefinite periods, without charges and without due process. Could it happen in the UK also? (Author: Hal Lindsey)

Tain minister to leave parish
The minister in Tain Parish Church of Scotland has written to his congregation to say that he can no longer continue with them in the context of both local and national issues in relation to Kirk's stance on sexuality. (Author: Christians Together)

Evangelicals say 'No' to same-sex marriage
Over 70 of Scotland’s largest evangelical churches, attended by more than 20,000 people, have signed an open letter to First Minister Alex Salmond urging him not to redefine marriage. (Author: Christians Together)

Syria, Ezekiel and the possible consequences
While it is tempting to think of Syria as just another part of the 'Arab Spring, the country occupies an important square on the global geo-political chess board. (Author: Christians Together)

An interview with Asia Bibi facing death penalty
A human rights activist based in Pakistan has supplied Christians Together with the transcript of an interview with Asia Bibi, the Pakistani woman facing the death sentence for blasphemy. (Author: PJ (Pseudonym))

What to do about Greece... and everything else
Serious riots are continuing in Greece over the Eurozone financial crisis. Stratfor the global intelligence agency has produced a chart summarising the options and likely outcomes. And Woody Allen gives a view. (Author: Various)

From the Med to the Hindu Kush: what next?
Global intelligence agency Stratfor presents an analysis of the current situation across the Arab world and outlines the prospects for the turbulent region which figures so prominently in end-time prophecy. (Author: Stratfor)

Kirk hosting Christian/Muslim Conference
The Church of Scotland is hosting a conference in December for a 'dynamic weekend' to find common ground between the Chistianity and Islam. (Author: Mission and Discipleship Council)

Tibetan sacred chant in Aberdeen church
Queen's Cross Church in Aberdeen is offering an evening of 'Masked Dance and Sacred Chant' performed by Tibetan monks. (Author: The Editor)

US denomination ordains first gay minister
The US Presbyterian Church has ordained its first gay minister last Saturday when Scott Anderson was ordained in the Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison, Wisconsin. (Author: Christians Together)

MSP congratulates KJV transcription effort
Skye, Lochaber an Badenoch MSP Dave Thompson has invited fellow parliamentarians to join him in congratulating the organisers of a marathon effort of transcribing all the verses of the King James Bible at its 400th anniversary. (Author: Christians Together)

Coptic Christians in escalating protests
Initially-peacefull demonstrations by Coptic Christians looking to have a demolished church rebuilt have escalated into violent clashes wti the military. (Author: Christians Together)

Skye minister to leave Church of Scotland
Rev. Ivor Macdonald, the parish minister at Staffin Church of Scotland is to leave the denomination because it is 'leading further and further away from the Lordship of Christ'. (Author: Christians Together)

Police apologise to Christian café owner
Police have given a partial apology to the owner of a Christian café who was wrongly told displaying Bible verses on a TV screen was a breach of public order laws. (Author: Christian Institute)

Iranian Pastor to hang for 'thought crimes'
Please pray for an Iranian court has passed down a death sentence on a Christian pastor, who was found guilty of so-called “thought crimes. (Author: Michael Ireland / Assist News Service)

New York protesters clash with police
With thousands protesting in New York about the economy at least 700 people have been arrested, including a New York Times reporter. (Author: RT)

Episcopal Church and Interfaith event
A Scottish Episcopal Church in the Diocese covering the Grampian and Highlands and Islands regions has been a central part of a '9/11' multi-faith event in Aberdeen. (Author: )

Change of name for Ghobe Ministries
God's Healing of Broken Emotions (GHOBE) Ministries will now operate as the Mishkan Resource Centre from its base in Inverness. (Author: Sheila Cardwell)

To discipline or not: that is the question
St. Andrew's Presbytery of the Church of Scotland, and the Kirk itself has been put into a difficult position following the actions of a lesbian minister in Fife: it is potentially a no-win situation. (Author: Christians Together)

Re-Examining the Arab Spring
6 months after the Tunisian uprising STRATFOR's George Friedman gives an overview and analysis of the impact and dynamic on and within the region. (Author: Stratfor)

Hope amongst 'spirits of judgement and fire
As the word of God tells us there is nothing new under the sun. The prophet Isaiah could stand in Parliament Square and preach the same message as he did two and a half millennia ago. (Author: Christians Together)

A 'Very Urgent Call'
The Manchester-based Maranatha Community has issued a call to prayer, with the view that "the current riots across the land hold up a mirror to the moral and spiritual sickness of our nation". (Author: Maranatha Community)

A letter from Afghanistan
Believers in Afghanistan are facing increasing persecution and the following letter comes to Christians Together from a Christian leader in the country. (Author: Christian leader in Afghanistan)

John Stott called home
The Revd Dr John Stott, one of the most influential evangelical leaders of the twentieth century, passed away on Wednesday afternoon at the age of 90. (Author: Christian Institute)

Still singing off different 'hymn' sheets
Since the extraordinary Plenary Assembly of last year the divisions within the Free Church of Scotland on acceptable forms of worship continue to manifest. (Author: Christians Together)

Insecurity and Unity
Current upheavals in the world of organised religion are producing some visible responses in terms of new alliances. (Author: Christians Together)

Support group hosts 'Opening Doors Evening
Reality Adventure Works team in the Highlands is inviting all who are interested in the work of supporting young people to an 'Opening Doors Evening' in their new offices. (Author: Christians Together)

The Church of Scotland 'trajectory' rejects God
Following the Church of Scotland's vote in the May 2011 General Assembly there has not been much tangible sign of any reaction. But a meeting on a wet day in Glasgow last week broke the corporate silence. (Author: Christians Together)

The 'earthquake' of the Arab Spring: now Syria
With the immediate future for Syria hanging in the balance as 'a corrupt and brutal dictatorship which is now creaking under the weight of popular discontent.' Victor Mordecai gives a view on the implications for the region. (Author: Victor Mordecai)

BBC 'Suicide' programme one-sided
The BBC is facing a storm of controversy after it aired Sir Terry Pratchett’s “very unbalanced” documentary on assisted suicide last night. (Author: The Editor)

Church of Scotland: leaders meeting planned
Since the shock decision to allow practising homosexuals to serve as ministers in the Church of Scotland, ministers and elders are planning to meet this week to consider what action to take. (Author: Christians Together)

DISSENT in the Kirk
Following the Church of Scotland General Assembly at the end of May and the decision to allow homosexual ministers to operate within the church, many are now expressing serious dissent regarding these actions. (Author: Christians Together)

Multitudes, multitudes in the Valley of Decision
Following the decision by the Church of Scotland in its General Assembly of 2011 to allow actively-homosexual clergy in its churches, it is 'make your mind up' time for all within the national church. (Author: Christians Together)

Splits in the foundations
The current problems besetting the Free Church of Scotland are symptomatic of fundamental issues which are wreaking havoc across the presbyterian world and the denominations beyond. (Author: Christians Together)

Going for Free?
With the national Kirk in turmoil over gay clergy, some ministers might make it jump for it. And the invitation might be to bring their hymn books too. (Author: Watchman)

Kirk minister ponders leaving on gay clergy issue
Following the vote and decision at the 2011 General Assembly of the Church of Scotland a West-Highland minister is now considering life beyond the national church. (Author: Christians Together)

Forthcoming General Assemblies
Three 'Church of Scotland' denominations are scheduled for the last week in May. Each is facing serious issues within its ranks. (Author: Christians Together)

Visegrad: A New European Military Force
With the rapidly-changing political and military scene a 4-nation alliance is establishing a new military group independent of NATO. (Author: Stratfor)

Muslims come to Christ as others seek violence
Rick Ridings who leads the Succat Hallel intercessory and praise ministry in Jerusalem brings news and insights into what God is doing in the Middle East. Through the turmoil in that region Muslims are coming to the Lord. (Author: Rick Riddings)

The Royal Wedding; a special day indeed
Whatever the present and future significance of the Royal Wedding it will always be remembered as a special day for our family. (Author: The Editor)

David Wilkerson dies in car accident
David Wilkerson the Internationally-known author of the Cross and the Switchblade and the founder of Times Square Church NY, has died in a car accident. (Author: Christianity Today/Christias Together)

Persecution forcing Christians out of Egypt
Christians in the Middle East: further sectarian protests in Egypt and fears of mass emigration by Coptic Christians from the country. (Author: Just Journalism)

Van driver instructed to remove cross
A Christian is under investigation and faces possible disciplinary action because of his display of a small palm cross in the company van he drives. (Author: Christian Concern)

Facebook lines itself up with Biblical prophecies
In a world which is being increasingly driven and shaped by social networking and internet-based multi-media an international campaign has been launched on Facebook which falls into line with the prophesied purposes of God. (Author: Christians Together)

Orkney Bible translator killed in bus bomb attack
In a renewed surge of terrorism in Israel an Orkney woman serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators was killed in a terrorist bomb attack in Jerusalem. (Author: Christians Together)

Church wins court case over banned ad.
A Judge has ruled in favour of a Belfast church and against a decision by the Advertising Standards Authority to ban an advertisement by Sandown Free Presbyterian Church in its stand against homosexuality. (Author: Christians Together)

Israeli family slaughtered by terrorist.
A Palestinian terrorist broke into a home of young Jewish family living in the Samarian community of Itamar and brutally murdered the five members of the family as they slept. (Author: Ryan Jones)

Preservation of Historic Scottish Presbyterianism
A prominent notice was carried in newspapers during the second week of March 2011 relating to a disagreement on 'worship' within the Free Church of Scotland. (Author: Former Free Church Moderators)

Kirk minister takes issue with Prime Minister
Rev. Louis Kinsey, a Church of Scotland minister in Aberdeen, has put down a challenge to David Cameron over the Prime Minister's public comments relating to Christians fostering children. (Author: Louis Kinsey / Christians Together)

Pakistani Christians protesting recent killing
Thousands of Pakistani Christians on took part in protest rallies across Pakistan expressing anger over the brutal assassination of the Federal Minister for Minority Affairs, Shahbaz Bhatti, in Islamabad. (Author: Christians Together)

God has no place in British law say judges
Despite the UK's long history of religious observance and the traditions of the churches, there is no place in British law for Christian beliefs two High Court judges have said. (Author: Christians Together)

Afganistani Christian facing death freed.
An Afghan Red Cross worker who was jailed for nine months for converting to Christianity has been released after an intense campaign by international diplomatic missions and Christian activists, an official. (Author: Christians Together)

Christchurch earthquakes: a sombre story
Behind the most recent earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand is a sombre story of an event which didn't happen. (Author: Andrew Strom / Christians Together)

Shimon Peres: Google, Facebook and Antichrist
According to current reports Israel’s President Shimon Peres sees Google and Facebook as the means to accomplish what the Bible tells us will be the role of the Antichrist in bringing a solution to the turmoil in the Middle East. (Author: Christians Together)

Libya: another domino falls?
The unrest (revolution) which is shaking North Africa and beyond is claiming another victim. Stratfor the intelligence agency gives its take on a situation in the Middle East which is changing by the hour. (Author: Stratfor Global Intelligence)

Civil Partnerships, Marriages and churches
A joint statement has been issued by five evangelical organisations on the subject of homosexual marriage and the registration of civil partnerships in churches. (Author: Christians Together)

Irish Evangelical Alliance backs gay 'marriage'
EA Ireland’s General Director stated: “The Government is seeking to legislate for greater justice and fairness for co-habiting couples, both same-sex and opposite-sex couples. As Christians we should support that stance.” (Author: Christians Together)

Lord Mackay speaks out on Civil Partnerships
Lord Mackay of Clashfern who served under both Margaret Thatcher and John Major has stated that Christians should not be forced to act against their beliefs by equality laws. (Author: Christians Together)

Gay partnerships to be classed as marriages
A new law is being introduced which will class gay and lesbian partnerships as marriages with further reforms planned which will destroy the traditional view of marriage. (Author: Christians Together)

They're building a new caliphate says Israeli PM
In an important address to a policy conference of European leaders the Israeli Prime Minister warned of several serious threats to world peace and Western civilization. (Author: Christians Together)

Egypt rejects Muslim Brotherhood
An authentic testimony received from a protestor at Tahrirs Square in Cairo Egypt suggests that the internional media are portraying a distorted account of the 'anti-government' revolution. (Author: Direct from Egypt)

A Letter from Egypt
In the midst of the social and political turmoil in Egypt God has His people. This is a report from a Christian pastor speaking in the midst of a dangerous and volatile situation. (Author: Egyptian Pastor)

YWCA abandons its Christian name
In a controversial move, the YWCA in England and Wales has adopted a new name which has dropped all reference to the organisation's Christian origins. (Author: Christians Together)

Women victims in Israel targets of terror attack
Arab terrorists attacked and killed a visiting American Christian woman and badly wounded her UK-born Messianic Jewish friend south of Jerusalem on Saturday. (Author: Christians Together)

Case about 'orientation discrimination' postponed
A judge has postponed his ruling over a case relating to Christian guesthouse operators Peter and Hazelmary Bull who refused accommodation to a homosexual couple. (Author: Christians Together)

BBC to screen prime-time screening of Nativity story
A new adaptation of the Nativity Story occupies a peak-viewing slot on BBC1 this month. Producer Tony Jordan said: ""The challenge for me was to retell a story that has been told countless times before." (Author: Christians Together)

Deface the Bible but don't touch the Koran
Arrest and no action. Two similar stories illustrate remarkably different reactions from the authorities over the desecration of holy books. (Author: Christians Together)

Free Church to allow hymns and instruments
Following a special Plenary assembly the Free Church of Scotland is to allow for the singing of hymns and the use of musical instruments in its congregations. (Author: Free Church Statement)

Lennox takes on Hawking: again!
In his tireless rebuttals of the 'scientific' view that our world was created by some random process, John Lennox argues that you can't explain the universe without God. (Author: Professor John Lennox)

The BBC's obsession with sexuality
If there was ever any doubt that the term ‘diversity’ relates to ‘sexuality’ the BBC has confirmed the link in a new survey; but only at the end. (Author: Christians Together)

God at work in Pakistan amongst the dangers
Two Pakistani pastors who are working in their country to spread the Gospel amongst Muslims have sent a prayer/news update to Christians Together outlining points for praise and for prayer. (Author: B and A (pastors in Pakistan))

Chilean miner tells Luis Palau of God at work
Jose Henriquez joined Luis Palau on stage in Chile last month to reveal that fully two-thirds, of the Chilean miners turned to Christ whilst waiting to be rescued. (Author: Christians Together)

UK denies entry to persecuted Christian speaker
After months of effort and planning by Release International to host a series of meetings across the UK about the persecution of Christians, the speaker has been denied an entry visa. (Author: Christians Together)

A Middle East exodus of Biblical proportions
Christians are fleeing from the persecution in the Middle East with reports of violence, bloodshed and murder. (Author: NewAmerican)

Bible Society launches new Gaelic Gospel
At the National Mod in Thurso the Scottish Bible Society launched a fresh translation of John's Gospel as the first in a (Author: Christians Together)

Tesco slow in 'Halal' refund
Tesco store reluctant to refund Irish shopper after she unknowingly purchased of Halal meat from her Belfast store. (Author: Christian Institute)

Miracle rescue of trapped Chilean Miners
Stories from above and below ground reveal God powerfully at work during the 'miracle' rescue of the Chilean miners. Prayer were said and the Gospel was preached. (Author: Christians Together)

Christians called to be 'not ashamed' of Christ
A major 'Not Ashamed' campaign has just been launched inviting Christians to 'Stand Up for Jesus in Public Life'. The initiative has support from national leaders. (Author: CCFON/Christians Together)

Northern Christian Police Association news
The Northern Constabulary branch of the Christian Police Association has 're-ignited' and now extends an invitation to join with the branch's monthly prayer breakfast in the Inverness CYC/YMCA. (Author: Northern Constabulary CPA)

Roma gypsies: Germany yesterday, France today
France's expulsion of Roma Gypsies has been likened by a top EU official to that which took place under Nazi Germany during the Second World War. (Author: Christians Together)

Papal visit 460 years after the Reformation
The Pope makes a first and historic visit to the UK since the 16th century Reformation. He has been received in Scotland by the Queen who is head of the Church of England (Author: Christians Together)

Koran burning threat offensive and dangerous
Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo of the Barnabus Fund has stated that the proposal by an American pastor to burn copies of the Qu'ran is an "unnecessary, offensive and dangerous gesture”. (Author: Barnabus Fund / Christians Together)

Don't mention God: no do!
A Christian worker who was sacked under a charge of 'gross misconduct' for mentioning God has had his appeal rejected by an employment tribunal. (Author: Christian Legal Centre)

Pakistani Christians being raped and killed
A Pakistani believer and site member of Christians Together and reports of much trouble in his country. Please pray for him and other believers there. (Author: Khuram/Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Prospect of a Gay Bishop: a Scottish response
With the controversies in both the Anglican Communion and the Church of Scotland, one Kirk member has written to another. (Author: One Kirk friend to another)

Afghan Christians urgent need of prayer
The Afghan Christian Community has just written an open letter to the body of Christ worldwide outlining the great persecution they are facing in their own land. (Author: Afghan Christian Community)

'Strathpeffer' Convention move to Inverness
The decision to move the 'Strathpeffer' Convention to Inverness has caused some eyebrows to be raised. The organisers respond to some of the questions being asked. (Author: Christians Together)

Initial report following team visit to Congo
On return from an eventful and rewarding missionary trip to the DR Congo, team leader Jim Rettie supplies an initial report. (Author: Jim Rettie)

Soldiers and their families; the cost of separation
Watching the daily news footage of the conflicts in Iran and Afghanistan it is easy to forget the price that soldiers and their families pay in terms of the worry and loss that separation brings. (Author: Christians Together)

News update of Inverness team in Congo
In spite of an alarmist headline and sensationalised report about being 'ambushed' the team are safe and well and continuing with their planned programme. (Author: Christians Together)

Congolese Macedonian call; a Highland response
As a result of a 'random' e-mail, a team from the Highlands is set to depart on a ministry trip to the Congo and to believers there amongst Pygmy tribes. (Author: Christians Together)

The Reformation: they think it's all over; it is now
The Reformation has been cancelled. A Stornoway-born and recent Church of Scotland Moderator Rev. Sheilagh Kesting has proclaimed a ‘first’ in a post-Reformation pact with the Roman Catholic Church. (Author: Christians Together)

Franklin Graham disinvited from Pentagon Prayer
An invitation to Franklin Graham to speak at the Pentagoon on the National Day of Prayer has been withdrawn following objections from a 'watchdog' group. (Author: Stars and Stripes / Christians Together)

Anti-semitism on the rise in France
The following account has come from a reliable source and lists a series of recent anti-semitic incidents in France which illustrates a continuing increase in anti-Jewish prejudice in that country. (Author: Anon)

Judges biased against Christians say churchmen
In an unprecedented move, senior Church figures are forcing a showdown over concerns that most senior judges are prejudiced against Christianity. (Author: Christian Concern for our Nation)

American evangelist jailed in Glasgow
Street preacher Shawn Holes, an American Baptist, was apprehended, jailed and fined in the course of preaching the Gospel in Glasgow (Author: Christians Together)

Haiti: three days of prayer and fasting
One month after the quake, a nation that was dedicated to Satan has been called by the Haitian president to three days of fasting and prayer to God. (Author: Jerry Miel)

Amazing move of the Spirit in Algeria
Despite anti-conversion laws, Muslims are turning to Christ in an amazing move of the Spirit in Algeria. A pastor reports packed churches and 800% growth. (Author: Operation Mobilisation)

Young people coming to faith in Finland
An amazing move of the Holy Spirit is bringing many young people to faith in Christ. They then go out into their street and communities to reach out to others. (Author: Dr. Mike Story)

Case against Christian couple thrown out
Whilst the charges against the Christian owners of a guest house has been thrown out, the case raises serious questions about how the case ever went as far as it did. (Author: Christians Together)

Healing ministry: seasonal update report
Jim Rettie gives a seasonal update report on the work of the Fellowship of Christian Healing (Highland) over the past year. (Author: Jim Rettie)

Free Church pulls out of talks with Kirk
As a symptom of the confusion and division within and beyond the Church of Scotland, the Free Church has pulled out of dialogue with the Kirk. (Author: Christians Together)

Paul Moore; whistleblower for God?
Paul Moore was sacked by HBOS for criticising the company's risky lending. His wife assured him of 'God's plan' and he subsequently blew the whistle on the company's dealings. (Author: Christians Together)

South African Anglicans join in 'Confessing'
South African Anglicans have affirmed their fidelity to biblical orthodoxy by following the example of churches in Scotland, England and North America. (Author: Christians Together)

Christian minister sacked from radio station
A Pakistani-born Christian minister who was sacked by a radio station has won the right to take his case to the European courts. (Author: Christians Together)

Minister calls Kirk's Assembly to account
A senior Church of Scotland minister has circulated a searing analysis of the Kirk's handling of the sexuality issue at the May 2009 General Assembly. (Author: Christians Together)

Megrahi's release: what do you think?
An opportunity to say what you feel and think. Others from elsewhere in Scotland and from around the world will surely be interested. (Author: Christians Together)

Highland pastor's wife on the mend
Highland pastor's wife (Rev. Dr.) Sheila McLaughlan is making a recovery in a German clinic having suffered a stroke when attending a pastors' conference. (Author: Christians Together)

Increasing persecution of Pakistani Christians
A Pakistani believer who is a member of the Christians Together web site has written to outline the increasing persecution of Christians in his country and to ask for prayer for protection. (Author: Christians Together)

The Kirk in Crisis: nailing colours to the door
A current move by Church of Scotland congregations from across Scotland sets down a very significant marker in terms of a public response to the highly-controversial decisions made by the recent General Assembly. (Author: Christians Together)

The Kirk is imploding
The first appointment of an openly-gay minister reveals the extent of the Church of Scotland's sorry departure from biblical orthodoxy. (Author: Christians Together)

A bridge across an old divide?
In the wake of the Church of Scotland's failure to pronounce on gay ordination, there are signicant signs of Kirk leaders breaking ranks and entering talks with other denominations. (Author: Christians Together)

No bush has a life guarantee
An historical presence in the soil offers no guarantee for the future. Unhealthy and and unproductive bushes could find that their days are numbered. (Author: Christians Together)

Logos Hope visit to Edinburgh
Having called at Edinburgh and Belfast, the first-ever UK visit of OM’s new Logos Hope ship is at the halfway stage. (Author: Christians Together)

Gay adoption critics branded as homophobes
In a new publication giving information on gay adoption the state-funded British Association for Adoption and Fostering has branded critics of gay adoption as 'retarded homophobes'. (Author: Christians Together)

Muslim to head BBC religious broadcasting
The BBC has appointed Aaqil Ahmed as its first Muslim head of religious programming, following the agnostic Alan Bookbinder who was appointed in 2001 (Author: CCFON/Christians Together)

Mr. Phelps you are not welcome in Scotland
A 'keep out' message to Mr. Phelps (Author: )

Credit crunch and search for ‘meaning of life’
New research out this week has revealed that three in four adults are rethinking their core values and big issues like ‘the meaning of life’. (Author: Christian Today)

Fresh bid to reunite the Kirk and the Free Church
The media are often theatre; and the above headline from one Scottish daily is suggestive of either high drama or outrageous farce. (Author: Christians Together)

Beauty contestant gives 'wrong' answer
Miss California ruined her chances of becoming Miss USA by giving the 'wrong' answer to a gay competition judge who asked her opinion on gay marriage. (Author: Christians Together)

Dobson to set record straight
Dr. James Dobson has gone on air in the USA to counter a false impression given by a British newspaper and other media outlets that he has lost and given up the 'culture war'. (Author: Christians Together)

Bishop defender of the faith resigns
In the light of increasing attacks on the Christian faith in the UK, the resignation of Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali is viewed as a loss to the Christian community in the UK. (Author: Christians Together)

How to respond to Jehovah's Witnesses
It is not always easy to frame a proper response when someone comes knocking unexpectedly on the door; and it's useful to have some quick pointers. (Author: Christians Together)

Scotland deports Christian workers
Reports this week cover stories of Christian workers being intercepted by immigration officials and deported back to the USA. (Author: Christians Together)

Churches say Government is gambling with lives
A number of major denominations and Christian organisations have lauched a web-site to counter Government policy which they say promotes gambling addiction. (Author: Christians Together)

Christian Workers having to Pack their Bags
New immigration legislation is shutting doors to Christian workers from North America who wish to work in Scotland. And some who are here in the Highlands are having to leave. (Author: Christians Together)

Indian Christians reaching out to Jade Goody
An Indian evangelical newspaper has asked its readership to pray for terminally-ill reality TV personality Jade Goody. Others have also been sending in their messages of support and prayer. (Author: Christians Together)

Controversial priest declines promotion
A Roman Catholic priest who believes that Hurricane Katrina was a judgement of God has declined promotion in the face of controversy. (Author: Christians Together)

Mum faces dismissal for asking for prayer
The Archbishop of York has publicly expressed his support for a school receptionist facing dismissal because she asked her friends to pray for a situation regarding her daughter. (Author: Christians Together)

Can a Theological College Be Born in a Day?
A brief overview of the conception, founding and development of the Highland Theological College from its beginnings in Elgin through to the present. (Author: Hector Morrison)

Public trust in media sinks to a new low
Less than a third of the British public trusts the media, a new international survey reveals. And recent events have further damaged their reputation. (Author: Christian Institute)

Army chaplain fears 'God' will offend atheists
A senior army chaplain has removed a Christian Creed from Army services at Sandhurst in case it will offend minority faiths and others who do not believe in God. (Author: The Mail/Christians Together)

Scots schools to teach gay rights...
Scottish Government telling schools to promote ‘gay rights’ has prompted concern that parents will be denied a say in what their children learn. (Author: Christian Institute)

Grandparents forced to hand children to gay couple
Edinburgh City Council have forced a couple who wanted to look after their two young grandchildren to hand them over to a gay couple for adoption. (Author: The Scotsman/The Daily Mail/CT)

Scottish missionary imprisoned in The Gambia
International Christian Concern have submitted an appeal regarding the Scottish Christian missionary and his wife sentenced to a year of hard labour in The Gambia. (Author: Christians Together)

A gay minister for Queen's Cross Church
A Brechin minister who is in a 'live-in' relationship with another man has been chosen by Queens Cross Church of Scotland in Aberdeen: according to one influential minister, the matter could split the national Kirk. (Author: Christians Together)

Pope more concerned with Truth than popularity
Pope Gregory's affirmation of heterosexual marriage has created a backlash from 'Christian', homosexual and 'save the planet' groups. (Author: Christians Together)

Bible Illuminated - of God or the Devil?
Of God or the devil; the Bible Illustrated published by a Swedish businessman is highly provocative and leaves little scope for ambivalent views. (Author: Christians Together)

Indian church leader speaks on Mumbai attacks
Gospel for Asia President K.P. Yohannan expresses his grief over the Mumbai attacks but cautions about jumping to early conclusions regarding the identity of the attackers. (Author: Gospel for Asia)

Recital of controversial poems in Welsh Assembly
The LibDem's culture spokesman has invited a militant atheist to read his controversial anti-Christian poems in the Welsh Assembly building in December. (Author: Christians Together)

Violence against Christians in Asia
Extremists in India are now offering money for those prepared to kill Christians. "We may have lost everything, but nothing will turn us from Jesus." (Author: WorldNetDaily / Release International)

Parent jailed over issue with school
A Christian father has been jailed for taking issue with the school teaching his 5-year-old about the equivalence between heterosexual and same-sex marriage (Author: Christians Together)

Auntie Beeb in crisis
The furore surrounding the BBC is perhaps God's way of exposing the catastrophic moral degradation and the collapse of standards at all levels in our once-respected institutions. (Author: Watchman)

Christian counsellor fired by Relate
Gary McFarlane, a Christian counsellor , has been dismissed from his position at Relate after raising concerns about advising same sex couples. (Author: Christian Legal Centre)

India must protect its Christians
Scores of Christians have been murdered. Their homes, churches, presbyteries, convents and charitable institutions have been destroyed writes Bishop Nazir-Ali (Author: Bishop Michael Nazir Ali)

Christian worker murdered in Afghanistan
Taliban leader states that aid worker was killed "because she was working for an organisation which was preaching Christianity in Afghanistan". (Author: Christians Together)

Christian vicar says she was conned
Joanna Jepson says she was conned by TV producers into taking part in a programme which portrays Christians as being obsessed with the issue of sexuality. (Author: The Telegraph)

RC Church produces Bible with Hindu texts
A new Indian version of the Bible recently published by the Catholic Church includes verses from the Bhagavad Gita and references to the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. (Author: Christians Together)

Crisis in Pakistan
Should an al Qaeda-type Radical gain control of Pakistan and its nuclear weapons, we could be facing an apocalyptic moment. (Author: Joel Rosenberg)

News (08/08/08) from the Christian Institute
Some news this week (08/08/08) including a survey which shows that Scots are 'ashamed' of the Scottish drinking culture. (Author: Christian Institute)

Hybrids, Abortion, Saviour Siblings, Fathers
Watch four short but powerful presentations on Animal/Human Hybrids, Abortion, Saviour Siblings and the role of the Father in IVF (Author: Christian Concern for our Nation)

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