Christian Life 

Scottish Christian Party: Questions and Answers

Dr. Donald Boyd who spearheaded the Scottish Christian Party's involvement in the 2007 Scottish Elections and who stood as a candidate in the 2010 General Election responds to questions put to him by Christians Together.

Dr. Donald Boyd
Donald BoydCT: What is the true nature of the SCP? Is it just the name for Scottish component of the Christian Party or is it a party in its own right?
DB: The Scottish Christian Party is the name for the Scottish section of the Christian Party, just as other national parties refer to themselves as Scottish Conservatives or Scottish Labour.
The name occurs as a link on the official Christian Party home page.
The name is registered as one of the party descriptions at The Electoral Commission
The Welsh Christian Party has recently referred to itself as the Christian Party of Wales.

CT: Who is the leader of the Scottish Christian Party?

DB: The leader of the Scottish Christian Party is the leader of the Christian Party, the Rev. George Hargreaves.
CT: Are there any regional leaders of the SCP representing their respective parts of Scotland.

DB: There are no regional leaders of the SCP.
CT: How will the SCP finance its activities?

DB: By donations.

CT: How will the SCP discover who its supporters are?

DB: Supporters are not the same as voters. We hold public meetings to make contact with new supporters. In the Highlands and Islands we will have a stand at the Black Isle Show on the 4th and 5th August 2010, stand VS 48 near the North entrance gate. We will be pleased to meet our supporters there.
Does the SCP have a policy regarding an independent Scotland?

DB: The Scottish Christian Party supports the United Kingdom and independence from the European Union. The Scottish Christian Party is concerned that an independent Scotland will either have no Christian constitution or a multi-faith constitution. The Scottish Christian Party is concerned that the public debate on an independent Scotland has little to say about this topic.

CT: How can the SCP remain uniquely Christian and yet attract votes from a nation at large which has turned its back on Christ?

DB: Our membership is Christian faith-based. We expect to develop policies which will appeal to people and to find representatives and politicians who can articulate in a convincing manner a Christian solution to society’s ills. Dr. Ian R K Paisley, MP, MEP, had one of the largest votes in the country and yet remained “uniquely Christian”.
CT: If the SCP is merely a ‘moral party’ – (a) how does it differentiate itself from other parties that have a ‘morality’ e.g. humanists, Islam? And (b) how does it avoid having non-Christians in its membership (and even leadership)?

DB: The Scottish Christian Party is not a merely moral party. It is a faith-based party. The statement of faith required of members of the Party can be found at the SCP web site.

Ed footnote: In the near future there will be a chance to pose questions on-line. Meanwhile, please submit further questions to the Editor. Thank you!
You can find other articles about the SCP by clicking here.

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Donald Boyd1Dr. Donald Boyd lives in the Highlands and works as a medical doctor.

He spoke in an interview with Christians Together in advance of the General Election in 2010 when he stood as a candidate for Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey.

Dr. Boyd led the Highlands and Islands SCP effort in the Scottish Elections in 2007.

Christians Together/Donald Boyd, 23/07/2010

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Christian Life > Christians and Politics > Scottish Christian Party: Questions and Answers