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Small groups and House ChurchesChris Hill
Small Churches and House Churches
Length:20 minutes
Chris Hill of CL Ministries - a personal friend of Jean Darnall - speaks of the increasing number of small groups that are meeting as house churches and the extent to which this development may represent an outworking of what Jean felt that the Lord was showing to her.
MP3 AudioListen Download 20.7MB
40 years in 30 minutesChris Hill
Jean Darnall's Vision
Jean Darnall - a recent interview
Length:30 minutes
Bible teacher Chris Hill speaks to Christians Together with an overview of the last 40 years and leads right up to the future with some views regarding the times approaching the church. He touches on Jean Darnall's prophecy, the Charismatic renewal and the need to test all that we see going on around us.
MP3 AudioListen Download 16.1MB