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A plea for honesty and integrityDr. David Cartland
Survival Kit
Length:4 minutes
Dr. David Cartland making his "final plea to my profession" to act honestly and with integrity in the face of the devastating impact of Covid injections.
Dr David Cartland 20240225.mp4Watch Download MP4 Video 12.1MB (04:31)
A plea to fellow doctors.mp4Dr. David Cartland
The CMF: Mute in the Face of Silence
Length:7 minutes
Dr. David Cartland issuing a heart-felt cry to fellow doctors regarding their continuing role and involvement in the Covid 'vaccine' programme. The doctor is witnessing and dealing with a serious and diverse range of medical conditions following the introduction of these treatments.
David Cartland.mp4Watch Download MP4 Video 16.4MB (07:37)