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Theology through the ages

While any church worthy of the name will place the foundation for its creeds and practices on the Word of God in practice there are very few which are not influenced – for good or ill – by the history of the Christian church.

Note: The following chart with notes is available as an A4 PDF document which can be downloaded by clicking on the image.

Note 1. The Word of God is the sure foundation and (ultimately) the only reliable base from which to formulate theology, doctrine and church practice.
Note 2. Replacement Theology sees no part whatsoever in God's prophetic end-time purposes for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people (apart from the promises of an end-time conversion - Rom 11:26-27). Theonomy teaches that it is the purpose of the church to apply God's laws (and there is debate as to which ones) to the secular state and its institutions (cf Augustine's and Calvin's 'City of God').
Note 3. The Reformation addressed and corrected many very important issues (e. g. Soteriology: salvation through faith in Christ and not the church) but it didn't correct others (e. g. Ecclesiology: retained priestcraft and clergy/laity distinctions) and abandoned important doctrines because they were being misused (e. g. confession of sin Jam. 5:16)
Note 4. Covenant Theology is not based on the covenants of the Bible but is merely a theological term which encapsulates a view that the 'church' was Israel in the OT, and is believers in the NT: accordingly the terms 'Israel' and 'the church' are synonymous and interchangeable. Based on this premise, all the prophetic passages referring to 'Israel' are (it is said) either fulfilled, no longer apply or are transferred to the church. Covenant Theology is a 'base hermeneutic' of the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Note 5. The Westminster Confession of Faith (1648) is an admixture of theology, doctrine and church laws. It carries elements of, and influences deriving from not only from the Word
of God, but also from the theologies of the early church fathers, the Roman Catholic Church, the church in Ireland, the Reformers into the 16/17th century, and the ecclesiastical and socio-political issues of that day.
Note 6. Dispensationalism is the hermeneutic which essentially divides human history into different time periods with a different system of interpretation for each: it was developed in the 19th century. Dispensationalism is best known for its particular eschatology (of the any-moment Rapture) and less well known, for the view that the church is an 'interlude' in God's progressive plan; and will be 'taken out' of the world with the Jews left behind.
Note 7. New Covenant Theology is a recently-developed view which (as one proponent) states:

"We are not satisfied with the simple 'one covenant -- two administrations' idea of Covenant Theology. In our judgment [Covenant Theology] results in a rather 'flat' reading of Scripture which fails to appreciate the advance, the distinctively 'new' character of this Messianic age. Nor are we satisfied with the over-compartmentalizing tendency of Dispensational Theology. And so we find ourselves somewhere between the two traditional answers."

Note 8. The Western 21st-century church is mainly comprised of the Roman Catholic Church; the traditional Protestant churches which developed from the 15th-18th centuries,19th-century Dispensationalism, and the Pentecostal churches and Charismatic (neo-Pentecostal) churches from the beginning of the 20th century onward.

(Author: The Editor)

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Articles in this group

Easter; myths and traditions obscure amazing truths
Passover, Calvary and Easter; how the true wonder of it all is veiled from Jewish eyes and under-realised and distorted within the Gentile church traditions. (Author: Christians Together)

What is worship anyway?
Attempts to legislate for and define the things of the heart is an issue that has caused problems in the early church; and it would seem that today things are not much different. So what is true worship? (Author: Christians Together)

 Deception: inside and outside of the church (Pt. 1)
'Enemies of the Cross: A Defence of Christ's Penal Substitution'. (Author: )

The priesthood of all believers
The unbiblical clergy/laity divide has served to disable the saints through the centuries. (Author: The Editor)

Scottish Revival historian in new role
A respected author on Scottish revivals has returned to his native island home in the north of Scotland and takes up an interesting and challenging new role. (Author: The Editor)

Becoming Overcomers
A webinar series commencing on Wed. 14 October looking at Christ's letters to the seven Revelation churches with Rev. Dr. Clifford and Monica Hill. (Author: The Editor)

Revival in the Hebrides (1949)
An illustrated talk and article on the Hebrides Revival in 1949 when "God came down". (Author: )

Only revival will do!
The UK is in great spiritual need. Only a move of God bringing repentance will turn the tide from the (God-less) lawlessness our our society. (Author: The Editor)

Networking 21st-Century Scotland
An invitation to a day conference/workshop event aimed at enhancing the ability to propagate the Gospel and network the Christian community using film/video and other modern media. (Author: )

Report from Day of Prayer
A 'Day of Prayer for our Nation(s)' was held in Perth on Saturday, 2 March 2019. The report is now available. (Author: The Editor)

Where the KJV has got it wrong...
Punctuation can fundamentally alter the meaning of a sentence or expression. The insertion of a comma in the King James Bible has grossly distorted and disabled the body of Christ. (Author: The Editor)

Myriam's Story 
A young Iraqi girl who was driven from her home by Islamic State testifies to her faith in Jesus Christ. (Author: The Editor)

The Transit Camp
The interregnum between the (spiritual) fall of King Saul and the coronation of David as Israel's king would have been a unsettling time for God's people. A bit like being in a transit camp. (Author: Christians Together)

A life well lived: a race well run
Just before Christmas 2014 David Masson, completed his earthly course and was ushered into the nearer presence of the Lord. (Author: Colin Wilson)

Theonomy: the Church ruling in the World!
The question of Church/State relationships continues to run while some groupings have aspirations of Christian predominance in a secular world. (Author: Christians Together)

Music in praise and worship
Church services, praise and worship? The contemporary scene. (Author: Christians Together)

God help us
In times of calamity we cannot create a 'revival recipe', but only pray into the Lord's will. (Author: The Editor)

Women bishops; and the art of completely missing the point
The division within the Church of England regarding women Bishops derives from failings to understand more fundamental issues. (Author: Christians Together)

When was Jesus born?
In spite of the carol which sings of 'in the bleak mid-Winter' and in spite of any hard evidence regarding the time of Jesus birth it is highly unlikely that He was born in December. (Author: Christians Together)

Dreams and Visions today: a story or three
The prophet Joel said concerning the last days that the Lord would work in wonderous ways. We are seeing much of that in our time. (Author: Various)

Ugandan Pastor; attacked but not silenced
Umar Mulinde is a Christian from a Muslim background. He became the victim of a personal attack which, though leaving him disfigured, has failed to prevent him preaching. (Author: Moaz Israel)

Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism
Two contradictory and competing 'systematic theologies' have been, and remain very influential in shaping Christian belief and action. (Author: The Editor)

The Role of Women in the Body of Christ
The role of women in the church is exercising the Anglican commune. But the issue is never far from the surface in Scotland. (Author: Reform/Christians Together)

The 20th Century: unique in the history of man
A look back at the history of the century just past may suggest that there is a basic divide forming which spans the globe. (Author: Watchman)

A Church in ruins
In our day there are strong reasons to suspect that God is not-so-much dismantling the parody that man has created as He is merely standing by and letting the inevitable collapse occur. (Author: Watchman)

Presbyterianism - Scottish style
With the Church of Scotland facing a major issue, it is perhaps worthwhile to look at how presbyterianism, in post-Reformation Scotland, has got to where it is. (Author: Christians Together)

Homecall of Rev. Howard Taylor
An Englishman who was first ordained into the church in Africa before serving in the Church of Scotland parish ministry and then on a Scottish University campus has now been elevated to a new position. (Author: The Editor / Jock Stein)

Rescued into True Freedom
A letter from a Christian who was living a homosexual lifestyle 40 years ago when he found the transforming power of Jesus Christ to change his life. (Author: Christians Together /Paul)

No Room at the Inn
Elizabeth Kendal writes of how Christianity in particular and religious faith in general is being - at an increasingly rapid pace - pushed out of public life in 'Western' nations. (Author: Elizabeth Kendal)

Gun-toting gambler and a new role of the dice
For Spyros Metakidis gambling was his ultimate 'high'. Though he prayed for 'good luck one day he was asked "Do you love Jesus"? (Author: Christians Together)

The Archbishop and the Choirmaster
Sounds as if he is a good guy. And if he hasn’t already, the new Archbishop of Canterbury might be interested to watch an episode from the Choir. (Author: Christians Together)

Stained Glass Radio Programmes
Pick up audio interviews from Ken Hancock of Aberdeen-based Stained Glass Radio speaking with fellow Christians from the UK and around the world on a range of very interesting topics. (Author: Ken Hancock)

Has Christianity Become Intolerable?
Countries outside of the UK have become increasingly concerned about developments within the UK with respect to Christians and the freedom to bear witness to the Christian faith. (Author: Benjamin Bull)

Garth Hewitt; the Flip Side of a 'troubadour'
To the average church audience, the Rev. Garth Hewitt presents a gentle image of a man focussed on issues of justice and peace. However the church minister also has a flip side. (Author: Christians Together)

The evils of our age
The advent of the internet has meant that an ever-increasing number of people of all ages have access to the most vile and dangerous material; corrupting minds and behaviour (Author: Christians Together)

Communion taken on first moon landing
With the death of Neil Armstrong as the first man on the moon Buzz Aldrin represents the only living memory of participating in that historic landing. During the radio blackout he did a remarkable thing. (Author: Bill Carrell)

Eric Liddell; Olympic hero and man of conviction
Scotsman Eric Liddell famously competed in the 1924 Olympic Games and was known around the world as a man who was not prepared to compromise his beliefs for the sake of sporting glory. (Author: Christians Together)

Crossless Christianity and power-seeking
A Pentecostal pastor in recent conversation spoke of the laxity regarding Godly standards for righteous living. Wayne Greulich asks: "What happened to the Pentecostal Movement? (Author: Wayne Greulich)

Passover in Web 2.0
A link to Passover Web 2.0 video (Author: )

Student Study Bible (ESV version)
A review of the recently-published Student Study Bible which is a substantial addition to the one-volume resources containing the Word of God along with explanatory notes, guides, charts and maps. (Author: Christians Together)

Rev. Canon Martyn H. Bateman: a tribute
The Christians Together website derived from an earlier paper publication of the same title. It was encouraged into life and sustained by a man of God who was an inspiration to many. (Author: Colin Wilson)

Baptist church under seige in Bethlehem
In the wake of Bethlemen Bible College's international gathering of Replacement Theology evangelical leaders, the First Baptist Church in the birthplace of Christ is refused registration renewal by the Palestinian Authority. (Author: Christians Together)

The fall of a Titan
When grown men, and in spite of themselves, cry spontaneously in front of a TV camera, we can know that something profound is going on in their lives. (Author: The Editor)

Church growth: 1st, 20th and 21st centuries
Has the 20th-century model of church growth been biblical, cost-efficient and sustainable? And is there a different pattern emerging which if fact has ancient roots? (Author: Christians Together)

Another presbyterian church: bring it on!
Regarding news of a new church plant in Inverness, a clergyman has written on-line: “Just what we needed in Inverness, a new Presbyterian church”. (Author: The Editor)

Church splits; and a call to look to Christ
Mutual hostility is the sad history of so many splits: the most recent no less. A site visitor to Christians Together has given a recent perspective. (Author: A site visitor)

The Westminster Confession: a critique
The Westminister Confession of Faith is a 17th-century document which continues to wield very significant influence. However it is however a mixed bag. (Author: The Editor)

Title fetishes: Your Holy Highness
"If people can’t see the anointing on your life through your character, then don’t cheapen the gospel by wearing a title you don’t deserve..." (Author: J. Lee Grady)

Pastors and Prophets; roles in conflict
The 'sola pastora' (single pastor) model within the Christian church imposes conflicting responsibilities and stress on those persons who, as individuals, are required both to keep the peace and proclaim the Truth. (Author: Christians Together)

11/11/11 WWII veteran still fighting
A decorated WWII pilot who is now 92 years old has been involved in conflict for most of his life. His battles in the physical realm have transferred to the area of spiritual warfare. (Author: Steve Stevens)

Does God call all his children to ministry? You bet!
In the priesthood of all believers God calls and equips every follower of Jesus to a ministry (forms of service) within the body of Christ. (Author: Christians Together)

Unforgiveness: an entry point for the demonic
One of the most common and serious personal problems is that of unforgiveness - found even within the church. Clinging on to bitterness or grudges is highly dangerous. (Author: Rodney W. Francis)

What keeps Christians apart?
'Secondary issues' are often the reason given for Christians staying apart from one another. But is there the possiblity that there are issues lying underneath? (Author: Christians Together/Thistle Channel TV)

So what are the secondary issues?
In the context of evangelical divisions there are increasing calls for 'unity' and the side-lining of 'secondary issues'. But what are these secondary issues? (Author: Christians Together)

Barrister defends Christians in courts
Barrister Paul Diamond who has defended Christians in recent high-profile court cases has written publicly about "a special animosity reserved for this [Christian] faith". (Author: Christians Together/Paul Diamond)

Amazing Grace; the 'sweet sound' touched a soul.
A multi-national group of secular singers sung 'uninspired' praise, yet God's Amazing Grace touched the heart of at least one hurting soul. (Author: Christians Together)

Sexuality and Women Bishops - a Reform view
Reform is a grouping of churches and leaders within the Church of England who are seeking to maintain a Biblical response to sexuality and women in overseeing roles. A representative speaks to Christians Together. (Author: Rev. Paul Dawson)

Uncovering the 'Covering Doctrine'
Heavy Shepherding and the abuse of leadership can be a problem in the church of Jesus Christ. What are the issues with accountability? (Author: Cheryl McGrath)

Get into The Ark
Tempests strike countries, continents and personal lives. John Owen, a great Puritan preacher, spoke to his congregation in 1680: the message is the same and even more vital today. (Author: John Owen/David Wilkerson)

Tithing: OT biblical principle and NT legalism
Sermons have been preached on it and Christians have fallen under a spirit of guilt through it. Giving of our time, talents and treasurers is biblical: extortion is not. (Author: Carrie Sant)

Busyness, priorities and stress reduction
Jesus had no more hours in a day than we do, yet 'fitting it all in' is a constant challenge. Some thoughts on how to avoid being run off our feet or ending up flat on our backs. (Author: Christians Together)

Ted Haggard looking for restoration
High-profile former pastor Ted Haggard who resigned from his ministry followig a drug and sex scandal asks in an interview why secular 'stars' like Tiger Woods can be restored by not church leaders. (Author: Christians Together)

Are we experiencing the 'rod of His anger'?
Are the socio-religious and political developments of our present day an example of how God expressed His displeasure in ancient times? (Author: A View from Here)

Blogging: a subtle appeal to human pride?
In a world of pervasive blogging and social media Andy Wharhol's 1968 prediction that "everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes" has lost non of its allure. Is the desire for public attention now invading the church? (Author: Watchman)

The Word is not enough.
Much dissension and strife in the church of Jesus Christ emanates from the tendency to put an exclusive responsibilty on the Word of God to provide authoritative guidance on every issue of life. (Author: Watchman)

The Bible in One Year 2011
On the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, a set of daily readings which will cover the whole Bible in one calendar year. (Author: Christians Together)

Six 'megathemes' for the church: a review of 2010
A review of the past year's research conducted by the Barna Group provides a time-lapse portrayal of how the religious environment in the U.S. is morphing into something new. And it's not just the US. (Author: Barna Group)

Technology in the church: a good thing?
Many churches now resemble recording studios which were previously the reserve of the professional music and video industry. What are the implications? (Author: Unknown/Christians Together)

Revelation TV puts Highlands on the map
Revelation TV, the Christian satellite channel featured a short video on Christian choirs and shoppers in Inverness Eastgate Centre in the run-up to Christmas (Author: Thistle Channel / Christians Together)

Sweeping it under the carpet
In the life of many organisations it is often the case that serious and deleterious flaws remain suppressed and hidden until some other issue arises. It is at that point that foundational cracks are exposed. And in the church(es) it is no different. (Author: Christians Together)

Collected responses to Free Church statement
Following the decision of the Free Church Plenary Assembly on singing and instruments the denomination has issued a public statement from the Assembly (Author: Christians Together)

A synopis of the Free Church debate on worship
A random synopsis of the debate within the Free Church of Scotland on the matters of what can lawfully be sung and whether instruments can be used. (Author: Christians Together)

Are denominations dying gods?
In a landscape strewn with ecclesiastical wreckage will denominations face up to the real issues which threaten their very existence? (Author: Watchman)

Can a Christian be demon-possessed?
An Ellel Ministries Centre Director, a former spiritualist and a Christian web site offer views on demon-possession and the churches ministry to those affected. (Author: Christians Together and friends)

Indian church on Christians Together
As part of the international membership on Christians Together a letter and pictures have been received recently from a church and ministry in India. (Author: Pastor M. Mary)

Kingdom or Empire building: that is the question
A letter to a national newspaper has raised the question of whether the Christian church should be embarking on expensive building programmes. (Author: Watchman)

From violence and crime to a life of compassion
Eddie Murison as a child experienced violence and rejection which led him into serious crime and imprisonment. Yet while in prison his life was changed and he draws on his experiences to help others. (Author: Christians Together)

The Pope and the RC church are unique
Of all the world's religious systems and organisations the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church are unique in terms of the influence that they can wield on governments, politicians and heads of state. (Author: Christians Together)

Scotland 1560: quite a summer so far
Following the storms of last winter which decimated the French fleet off Scotland's shores, and the death of Mary of Guise, John Knox the religious firebrand is now in pole position in the nation. (Author: A Scottish pundit in August 1560AD)

What's on the spiritual radar screen?
A a verse from the second book of Chronicles (7:14) makes a call to "turn from our wicked ways". A 20th-century radar scan makes some suggestions. (Author: A Radar Operator)

Rescued from the demonic
Laura Maxwell has just published a book which gives her testimony of how she was set free from tragic involvement with the New Age, Spiritualism and the demonic. (Author: Laura Maxwell/Christians Together)

Cardiologist's prayer raises man from the dead
Through a prayer prompted by the Holy Spirit, cardiologist Doctor Chauncey Carndall witnessed God bringing a man who had died brought back to life. (Author: Gospel for Asia/Christians Together)

The Miracle of Dunkirk: 70 years on
The Trumpet Sounds for Britain is a trilogy - latterly published as a single volume - which chronicles the hand of God in our nation over the centuries and includes a truly prophetic call to us today. (Author: David E. Gardiner)

From Eden to Kingdom Come
What promises has God made to us and what (if any) restrictions and conditions does he place on us? The anwers to fundamental questions rooted in ancient times shape much of what we believe and how we act in our 21st-century Christian lives and churches. (Author: Christians Together)

Christians' livelihoods under threat
As the liberal elite in the political, media and the legal establishment increasingly move against God's principles, Christians are finding their very livelihoods at risk. (Author: Watchman)

Lead us not into temptation. Please.
Are current concerns being exploited in a money-making fashion that gives the enemy of God a potential foothold into the lives of His people? (Author: Editorial)

Rev. Alex Muir: 1940 - 15 March 2010
Rev. Alex Muir was very well known for a wide variety of reasons, across Scotland and beyond. A preacher, teacher, revivalist, historian, musician, song-writer. (Author: John Muir/Christians Together)

Revivals in the Highlands: Part 4
Alex Muir's concluding article on revivals in the Scottish Highlands was published just before his Homecall to Glory in March 2010. A tribute will be published elsewhere (d.v.) (Author: Alex Muir/Sword Magazine)

Revivals in the Highlands: Part 3
Alex Muir continues his study of how the Holy Spirit works in revivals by focussing on the 19th-century Scottish Highlands. (Author: Alex Muir/Sword Magazine)

The Times of the Signs
Charles Gardner reports on the chaos in our world and gives a view of current events from Middle East expert Lance Lambert who lives in Israel. (Author: Lifebite News)

The spiritual condition of the United States
Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis gave a challenging address to a worldwide audience earlier this week when he examined the spiritual health of America. (Author: Christians Together)

Revivals in the Highlands: Part 2
In the second of a 4-part article Alex Muir continues the story of how God has worked in the Highlands and Inverness through Rev. Robert Bruce (Author: Alex Muir/Sword Magazine)

A Covenant-keeping God
A sovereign and unchanging God has employed covenants and promises as benchmarks for human behaviour and to inform mankind regarding his eternal purposes. (Author: Christians Together)

Teacher sacked for speaking of her faith
A Christian teacher who was sacked for speaking about her faith and felt that she was being persecuted by new equality and diversity policies, has been reinstated. (Author: Christian Legal Centre)

Evolution: blind faith and bogus science
Ever have trouble getting to grips with the 'Evolution versus Creation' debate?. Philip Wren says, don't leave it to the scientists - and don't leave evolution's lies to your children. (Author: Philip Wren)

Chinese pastor jailed on far-fetched charge
Alimjan Yimit has been sentenced to 15 years in prison on the apparently contrived charge of "providing state secrets to overseas organizations." (Author: Christians Together)

Prosperity Gospel invades the church
When the Bible speaks about riches it splits down two ways. Heavenly riches are to be sought after; earthly riches are depicted as a snare. (Author: Andrew Strom)

R U 2 bi C 2?
Satan wants us to be either flat on our backs or run off our feet. Jesus invited his first disciples to 'Come apart..' If we don't we risk coming apart. (Author: Christians Together)

Suffering Church Sunday - November 2009
The Barnabas Fund is encouraging church congregations to set aside a Sunday in November to remember those who are being persecuted for their faith. (Author: Christians Together)

Danger! Peace and Unity ahead!
In a world threatened by war and division, who can ignore the cries for peace. And the global community is certain of where the trouble lies. (Author: Sword Magazine)

Revivals in the Highlands: Part 1
Rev. Alex Muir has researched how God has worked in the past and speaks of revivals as something that we can long for but not generate. (Author: Alex Muir/Sword Magazine)

A Warning from Wick
A 'vacancy' crisis in Wick raises some serious questions for ministry in the body of Christ at large regarding the building up of God's people. (Author: Christians Together)

The Blindness of Revelation
Can visits from God leave us blinded or resistant even to subsequent moves of the Holy Spirit? (Author: Steve Taylor)

Seer Training: Christian or mysticism
A church in Scotland which is part of a mainstream denomination is running a course on Seer Training. Is this forward thinking or a route into occultic mysticism? (Author: Watchman)

Healing Meetings with John Mellor
Christian Fellowship of Healing (Highlands) are sponsoring a number of meetings in the Inverness and Alness areas for those needing God's healing. (Author: Christian Fellowship of Healing)

Drilling down on Christian issues
Matters over which Christians differ are often predicated on 'fundamentals' which, though viewed as sacrosanct, sometimes lack a biblical foundation. (Author: Christians Together)

Loneliness leads leader to the lost
A Christian pastor has re-awakened a dormant drama interest in order to engage the lost and as a counter to personal loneliness. (Author: Have your say)

Pubs 'n' Boats 'n' Planes 'n' Sundays
A couple of 'archive articles' on Sunday activities relating to and prompted by the pressures by hotels, and boats and planes on the traditions of the Hebrides. (Author: The Editor)

Sunday Sailings to Lewis
The prospect of Sunday sailings to Stornoway is presenting a host of challenges to traditions, religious views, social habits, people and politicians. (Author: Christians Together)

Are the new 'Confessing Fellowships' meeting the needs of the cause of Christ or merely serving as palliatives to feelings of shame and insecurity? (Author: Watchman)

An open letter at a difficult time
At this difficult and distressing time within the body of Christ in Scotland it is good to remember in prayer those who are undergoing trial and upset. (Author: Colin)

Susan and Joanna: enacted parables for our age
Two ladies from very different backgrounds in two very different situations inspired millions: they were enacted parables for our age. (Author: Christians Together)

The Primacy of the Local Church - an oft-subverted truth
The Primacy of the Local Church, as a biblical doctrine, is often rolled out and re-stated when hierarchies stray, but conveniently ignored when peace prevails. (Author: Watchman)

Fellowship of Confessing Churches
With the launch of a new evangelical grouping within the Church of Scotland, we could be seeing a tsunami starting to break upon the shores of the Kirk and the nation. (Author: Christians Together)

Where to the presbyterian church in Scotland?
Woody Allen might have a 'word' for the Church of Scotland as it meets in General Assembly in May. But in spite of the prognosis there is, and has got to be, hope. (Author: Watchman)

Rick Warren on the ropes
Rick Warren, megachurch purpose-driven pastor and friend of President Obama is enmeshed in controversy regarding his stance on gay marriage. (Author: Christians Together)

40 years on
Sandy Shaw is a Nairn-based pastor and teacher. He tells his story of how God spoke to him as a young boy; and 40 years after a fresh empowering of the Holy Spirit. (Author: Sandy Shaw)

Megachurch meltdown?
The wheels were already coming off the megachurch train before the present economic crisis caused it to come crashing into the buffers. (Author: Watchman)

Night Church
A group of Christians who gathered to pray and ask God how to connect with their local community found that their prayers were answered very quickly and in an unexpected way. (Author: Christians Together / Spotlight)

South Africa, Mighty Men and Revival
Angus Buchan is a farmer of Scot's descent who saw 60,000 men gather in South Africa last year. Andrew Strom now sends a follow-up report. (Author: Christians Together)

Obituary for an Old Friend
No one knows how old he was, and a combination of different factors gave rise to a protacted period of debilitating illness which meant that he died in obscurity (Author: The London Times)

Churchgoing not in decline, says Tearfund
Churchgoing is not in decline, according to figures released by Tearfund today which show that one in four adults in the UK attend church at least once a year. (Author: Christians Together)

Search for Alison on iPlayer
A TV programme of Rev. Kenny and Reta MacDonald's search for their daughter Alison who went missing in Kashmir in 1981 is now available on-line; but hurry (Author: Christians Together)

The Kirk on dangerous ground
The national Church of Scotland is moving in a direction which could bring the Kirk into direct conflict with God's purposes for society and the world. (Author: Christians Together)

Christianity and Other Ways to God
A recent poll shows alarming levels of wrong belief amongst American 'Christians' - but it's not a problem confined to America. (Author: Watchman)

Employee or servant of God?
A legal conundrum involving a Highland minister and his church has implications for the relationship between the church of Christ and the state - the issue behind the 1843 Disruption. (Author: Christians Together)

The Westminster Confession: past help, present hindrance?
The Westminster Confession of Faith is a creedal document which is placing unbiblical restrictions on believers' remembrance of the Lord's death. (Author: Watchman)

Little Red Riding Hood and PC
Little Red Riding Hood - and the current levels of control and oppression being exercised through what has become know as Political Correctness. (Author: Bryan Hupperts)

Micah Sunday - prophetic challenge or cop-out?
Christians are being encouraged to lobby politicians to care for the poor around the world. But is this a 'prophetic call' or a hypocritical cop-out? (Author: Watchman)

Christians under pressure
Vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has come under fire in the States, and it seems that evangelicals the world over are coming under real pressure. (Author: Lifebite)

Letter from Muslim leaders to the Pope
In 2006, Muslim scholars wrote to Pope Benedict and other Christian leaders urging greater understanding between the two faiths. The story continues..... (Author: )

Christians apologise for praying during Ramadan
A group of Christians in the city of Oxford have apologised to Muslims for 'having the audacity' of organising a Day of Prayer during Ramadan. (Author: Cranmer Blog)

An Age of Hunger - lessons from recent events
Following the events and recent developments surrounding meetings in Florida, Rev. Dr. Clifford Hill writes on "An Age of [spiritual] Hunger". (Author: Rev. Dr. Clifford Hill)

Crises in church and nation
Three important documents from the Maranatha Community in Manchester. These provide vital information for every intercessor and all those concerned for the church and the nation (Author: Christians Together / Marantha Community)

The Shaping of Things to Come
A review of the book The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st Century Church (Authors Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch) (Author: Eddie Arthur)

Prepare for difficult times
Corrie Ten Boom wrote a message in 1974 which she impressed upon David Pawson at the end of her life in this world in 1983. The message is to 'prepare' the people. (Author: Corrie Ten Boom)

Son of Hamas leader comes to Christ
Masab Yousef is the son of a prominent Hamas leader and politician. In an interview with an Israeli media source he tells of his journey to Christ and the true nature of Hamas. (Author: Christians Together)

Christian preachers face arrest in Birmingham
A police community support officer ordered two Christian preachers to stop handing out gospel leaflets in a predominantly Muslim area of Birmingham. (Author: Daily Telegraph)

Organic Church
Organic church life is a grass roots experience that is marked by face-to-face community, every-member functioning, (Author: Frank Viola)

Taking, making and faking human life
Andrea Minichiello Williams of Christian Concern for our Nation and the Lawyers Christian Fellowship speaking on the prospect of human/animal hybrids. (Author: )

Church Life
Church Life (Author: )

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